SVE: informarsi e partire

Vi segnaliamo di seguiti diversi progetti di Servizio Volontario Europeo e vi informiamo che giovedì 26 luglio alle 14.30 ci sarà una riunione informativa, l’ultima prima della pausa estiva!


  • Location: Wörgl, Austria
  • Deadline: 20/08/2012
  • Start: 05/06/2013
  • End: 05/06/2014

The hosting organisation Werkteam B.E.T.A. (EI: 2012-AT-13) is looking for a new volunteer for summer 2013 for 12 months.

Werkteam B.E.T.A. is one of the 10 institutions of the VOLKSHILFE Tyrol organization, which exists for over 60 years, working in social affairs. The main task of Werkteam B.E.T.A. is qualifying young people between 16 and 24 years for work. Most of them are drop-outs, have attended special schools, are delayed in their development than average teenagers, achieved only poor school marks or very bad reports and they face difficulties in getting a job.

For further information, please go to homepage of Coordinating Organisation Infoeck:


MONAliesA is a women´s library. As a result of the increasing importance of a European networking the volunteer will have the opportunity to develop new skills, to gain new experiences and all in all ultimately to widen our horizons.
Especially in the domain of international cultural work the volunteer is a real asset to the team. She or he can acquaint us with cultural and social-cultural differences, e.x. communication. In exchanging experiences we get more familiar with different European lifeworlds and can therfore develop an European solidarity.
The responsibilities of the volunteer will include topics dealing with European issues. (It is being considered an involvement in the European Workshop, researchings for the queer-feminist archive, network with other feminist libraries or an exhibition about “Women in Europe”.)

Project description:


  • Location: Zielona Góra, Poland
  • Deadline: 31/07/2012
  • Start: 01/09/2012
  • End: 31/08/2013

The volunteers will work with the teacher responsible for the extracurricular activities. The types of activities: European Workshop, Math Workshop, Theater workshops, Art workshops, Music workshops, Writing a blog and  preparation for special events.

Project description:


  • Location: Karlovo, Bulgaria
  • Deadline: 25/08/2012
  • Start: 01/02/2013
  • End: 30/11/2013

We are looking for four EVS volunteers for a 10-month socio-cultural project in Karlovo/Bulgaria

Two of the volunteers will be helping the activities of the Youth Information Centre and the Community Centre for Social Support and two will be helping the local Cultural institutions – the Community Centre and the Local Museums.

Project description:


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