Riunione informativa SVE e progetti liberi

Le riunioni informative SVE si trasferiscono all’interno degli eventi AperiTandem!
Ogni secondo martedì del mese avrete l’occasione di conoscere il Servizio Volontario Europeo ed i volontari presenti sul nostro territorio, facendo nuove amicizie interculturali e praticando le lingue straniere.
L’appuntamento di novembre è per domani sera, martedì 13, alle ore 20.00 presso il DEMODE’ – circolo Arci, in viale Spazzoli 51 Forlì.
Nel frattempo date un’occhiata qui sotto ai progetti che stanno cercando volontari!


Location: Santander, Spain
Deadline: 14/12/2012
Start: 01/09/2013
End: 30/04/2014

Asociación Ser Joven has been coordinating different EVS projects.
You can have a look at the blog of our previous volunteers http://svesantander.wordpress
and visi our website to learn about previous experiences of EVS volunteers at Ser Joven.

About the Host Organization:
AMPROS (Cantabrian Association for Persons with Mental Disabilities) was established in 1965 as an initiative of a group of parents of persons with mental disabilities, who initially searched for adequate schooling of their children. As sooon as this training period finnished, they focused on achieving their insertion on the regular labour market or with support of special employment centers

Volunteers will accompany the users during different free time daily activities scheduled by the center, like: zumba, Internet, games, regional dances, cooking workshop, karaoke, sports activities, gymnastics, hand crafts, theatre. Moreover, volunteers will help to organize special activities like Winter Festival, San Valentine’s Day, Holiday Programme, Summer Camps, weekend activities in a hostel, sports events, festivals to celebrate Cantabria Day, seminars and trainings about volunteering, as well as other occasional events, which are carried out by AMPROS in collaboration with other organizations or training center


Location: Saint Jean d’Angély, France
Deadline: 04/01/2013
Start: 01/04/2013
End: 01/04/2014

The Centre of European Culture is a nongovernmental association which organises Youth encounters in France and abroad. It’s located in the Royal Abbey in Saint Jean d’Angély (Charente-Maritime Department). Our association is involved in European Programmes, artist residencies, organisation concerts and cultural activities.
As volunteer, you will participate to these activities within their organisation but also by talking Europe in School as your experience in the EVS.


Decko Náchod
Czech Republic holds the position of regional coordinator in the field of youth
projects, non-formal education of children and youths, cooperation with youth
clubs, NGO, schools, Romany community center and other projects. Decko has 5 units:
art and crafts, dance, outdoor activities, socio scientific, and a mother care centre.

EI number: 2012-CZ-46 Decko coordinate projects 2010-CZ-11, 2010-CZ-12, 2011-CZ-04, 2012-CZ-36

We are currently looking for 13 volunteers from the European Union:

Volunteer for art crafts: for 2 volunteers (project for 12 months, starts on 1.9.2013)

Work with children (6-14) and youth groups in art and graphic classes, decorating, creating posters, ceramics under the leadership of an art education and design specialist. Work on spontaneous, occasional events and summer camps. The volunteer shall work in the youth club in Decko. The youth club is a space for spontaneous activity of youths. The club also acts as an information centre for youths. The volunteer will also have space to create a project on his/her own, bringing new ideas.

Volunteer for dance activities: for 1 volunteer (project for 12 months, starts on 1.9.2013) Work with children (6-14) and youth groups in dance and music classes under the leadership of a specialist. Work on spontaneous, occasional events and summer camps. The volunteer shall work in the youth club in Decko. The youth club is a space for spontaneous activity of youths. The club also acts as an information centre for youths. The volunteer will also have space to create a project on his/her own, bringing new ideas.

Volunteer for outdoor activities: for 1 volunteer (project for 12 months, starts on 1.9.2013)

Work with children (6-14) and youth groups on outdoor activities for example; hiking, climbing, canoeing, juggling, shooting and other non-formal activities under the leadership of a specialist. Work on spontaneous, occasional events and summer camps. The volunteer shall work in the youth club in Decko. The youth club is a space for spontaneous activity of youths. The club also acts as an information centre for youths. The volunteer will also have space to create a project on his/her own, bringing new ideas.

Volunteer in mini ZOO and handicrafts: for 1 volunteer (project for 12 months, starts on 1.9.2013)

Volunteer will work in the Mini ZOO. The most important task is to take care of animals (e.g. monkeys, snakes). The Mini ZOO is open daily in afternoons for public. The Mini ZOO is also open in the mornings to allow school trips and similar activities. Work in arts and crafts in the manufacturing and up keeping of teaching aids for activities of informal education, taking part in technical preparation of activities for the public under the leadership of an experienced foreman. Work with tools, getting technical knowledge and practical skills. Work on spontaneous, occasional events and summer camps. The volunteer shall work in the youth club in Decko. Cooperation on the occasional projects of our organization, especially during after school activities, trainings for youth leaders etc.The volunteer will also have space to create a project on his/her own, bringing new ideas. Preferably a male.

Volunteers at community schools and Youth centers: is planned for 4 hosting organizations – 7 volunteers (project for 10 months – flexible to 12, starts on 1.9.2013)

We cooperate with some schools in our region their program is aimed at a development of community life. Those schools and centers have a wide range of after schools activities and some specialize in work with those with special needs. “Special needs” includes dyslexics as well as those with attention deficit disorders. Working with children in the position of an assistant of leader in leisure activities – after school activities, language activities, sport activities, and school trips. Possibility to assist disabled students during school and after school time, especially during sport activities. Cooperation on the occasional projects of our organization, especially during after school activities, training for youth leaders, summer camps etc. The volunteer will also have space to create a project on his/her own, bringing new ideas.Preferable with good English language knowledge.


Location: Leipzig, Germany
Deadline: 03/12/2012
Start: 01/07/2013
End: 30/06/2014

Bauernhofkindergarten Mölkau is the first Saxon integrative farm kindergarten.
The EVS volunteer supports educators in the care and supervision and integration of children in kindergarten. The volunteer will be useful, on the one hand, in additional project development, as well as in additional support services in the daily routine, such as age-specific offers, special promotion of integration children, group outings etc.

Location: Ravensburg, Germany
Deadline: 01/02/2013
Start: 01/10/2013
End: 31/07/2014

We are looking for a volunteer for our youth information centre. For a description please find as in the database: 2010-DE-78.
The volunteer supports us in our everyday work and also takes part in various projects. Apart from that s/he will take over our cultural café, where youngsters from abroad doing an EVS, Aupair, Internship in Ravensburg can meet with German youngsters.
Location: Meckenbeuren, Germany
Deadline: 01/02/2013
Start: 01/05/2013
End: 30/04/2014

We are looking for a volunteer to work with disabled youngsters. For a closer description please have a look at the database: 2010-DE-229.
The volunteer is working with disabled youngsters in three areas: – supervised residential group – school for youngsters with learning disabilities – free time activities The volunteer should be open to work with youngsters with disabilities. The St. Gallus – Hilfe is also situated in a rural area.


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