Polish-Italian adventure

Here they are: Karola, Daria, Marek and Paulina. Each very different but with one thing in common: arrived in Forli for a stage within the Leonardo da Vinci Program. Let’s see what they say about their 3-month-long experience!

Ciao! Mi chiamo Karola, sono Polacca e ho 25 anni I finished Journalism and Social Communication at the University of Wroclaw. I love: singing, dancing, painting , the taste of mandarins and the smell of oranges, the show The Simpsons, pink colour, black coffee , Ayo., J.L. Wisniewski’s books, Bruce Willis, shopping, Funky, Soul, R&B, Fitness, fun, travelling, meeting new people and the lack of time. Now – as a Leonardo da Vinci intern- I’m working for Koìne – a student organization in Forli. I am responsible for Erasmus students arriving to this town. What I especially appreciate about this work is opportunity to learn the language-ALL DAY LONG. I am also happy about having contact with people from different cultures, countries and religions. I think this kind of experience is the most important – it enriches you in every aspect. As far as my future is concerned, I would like to work with EU projects, maybe as a coordinator…

Hi! My name is Daria, I came to Uniser for the internship. Really appreciate time I’m spending here, discovering new methods of project management, Italian culture, habits and genuine taste of coffee. But actually the most important are inspiring people who bring me a lot of good memories.

Hi! I’m Marek Wójciak. I have a master degree in international relations and I am still studying at the second faculty -history. But there are my passions that I really live for. Photography, foreign languages and travelling. As the first (and the biggest !) one has been recently becoming also my job, the two remaining ones took me here. How? During my Erasmus-year in Spain I met a lot of great people from Italy – I just had to come here! Also to learn another language. Since last few years I’ve been interested in a problem of refugees and immigrants (my thesis was about Western Sahara, and one chapter exactly about the question of refugees there). I tried to connect all of my interests, and …here I am! Since July I’ve been working for the organization who helps immigrants and refugees. Great experience. New people. New skills. New places. Love to be here!

Hi! I’m Paulina, I’m 23 years old and I come from a small village Bąków, in the South of Poland. Since July I’ve been living in Forli where I’m doing an internship at Consorzio Solidarieta’ Sociale. During my stage I take care of EVS (European Voluntary Service) projects. I help the stuff to select our future volunteers and I collect the testimonies of the previous ones… Sometimes I work with disabled people, helping at Cooperativa Tangram , I also participated in a workshop for children in Faenza. I’m in love with Forli and I really enjoy my stay here. Even if I left Forli a few times to visit Ravenna, Venezia, Bologna or to participate in Basilicata Border Games in Melfi (http://www.basilicatabordergames.com/home) The only thing I don’t like about my stage is that it’ll finish soon. Well, maybe I’ll stay here…Who knows..?;-)


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