Nataliia: ” I  finally found what I can propose to the employee, how I can apply my skills and kowledge at practice”

After 4 years of work experience in my country, I found it difficult to enter Italian job market. Now I know why. Thanks to the “Moving Generation” I have understood that European commerce works differently from that of the Eastern Europe: import, export, logistics, documentation — everything, even if the sector is the same. I am convinced that the main idea of the project — direct participation in a company’s activity worths hundred courses of theory!

In my Italian company (“Fiorini Industries”) I was assisting export manager and my primary duties were those of creating database, doing a market research and contact potential and existing Russian-speaking partners.
Apart of this, “Fiorini Industries” is a company-producer and work there has become a valuable source of understanding the point of view of the producer and his role in the business chain. On the other hand, my work at “NIT” (reseller) in Lithuania introduced me a point of view of the importer from companies, like “Fiorini”. Here I am communicating with Italian companies, do price analysis and assist managers in following the projects.

The companies’ style differs a lot as well. While “Fiorini” has a long history going back to 70’s and it has very well structured hierarchy and a corporate style, comparable with that of famous Japanese corporations, my Lithuanian company is young, energetic, enthusiastic. As an example here I include a photo of “NIT” 12th anniversary, when 20 of us went kayaking, which has become celebration, team-building and an active outdoor week-end at the same time.

There is still a month of traineeship in Italy ahead, but I can run to some conclusions already: first of all, apart of applicable knowledge of the business making, I have finally manged to get rid of uncertainty connected with the work in Europe without communitarian citizenship. Being not a national of neither of the two companies and having a work experience in Ukraine, I  finally found what I can propose to the employee, how I can apply my skills and kowledge at practice and the importance of the cultural mediation in business. Secondly, I have had a unique opportunity in a short period of time to grasp understanding of the whole chain — production, market research, communication with clients, intra-communitarian export, extra-communiatian export, post-sale assistance. And the last one – as for now it’s one of the most useful projects I have evere participated in!

Thank you, Moving Generation!


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