Big small Europe.


As we travel we can discover how big and small Europe is at the same time. Countries that seem to be so far away suddenly appear to be just few hours away. But as well this few hours can bring you in totally different cultural environment.

Emilijan is a volunteer in Germany and working with children like Alessandra in Spain.

“I carry out Evs in an elementary school with afternoon activities. According to shifts I help children with homework. This is one of the most beautiful and fun activities.

In the afternoon, children are free and the school is also very free in the sense that the children can choose what to play. There are activities of design, dance, football, lego, wooden buildings … a lot of things. Or the kids go in yard and play soccer, jumping with rope, running, and whatever they want. In the various days of the week I do these activities where I am most useful.“


As written in previous articles, there are various reasons why to make EVS. For Emilijan one of the motivations was to learn German and like he says “to learn it well you have to live in Germany“. But he points out as well: „I recommend EVS but I recommend knowing what you want and be willing to make concessions with what you might find. I have seen volunteers often to become depressed and discouraged because the project was not as imagined. For this you must be sure of what you are going to do and to be willing to be flexible. If not you will not live a full life experience”.

“The most important thing in EVS lies in E, ie Europe. With this project, you will come across a new reality that many have not even imagined. Living with other young people from different parts of Europe makes you realize how close we live to a world full of culture – The European Union that would otherwise seem abstract thing.“



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