Seven Swedes at Forlì

We are a group of 7 students from Sweden that are here in Italy on internship. When we arrived in Italy we were tired from the flights and all of us were a bit nervous about our new jobs. None of us knew any italian so getting around was hard too, especially in Bologna.
We arrived in Forli late monday evening, then got to our rooms and immediatly after that we left for our first adventure in Forli, our hunt for food, at “Pizza Pirata”.

7 svedesiThe next day we tried to wake up early, but… that did not go as we expected. After we arrived a bit late for our first meeting we got our jobs and we were guided to our workplaces. Later on that night we went to Cosmonauta where we were invited. There we were introduced to a lot of funny people and also to Italys cheap prices of alcohol, this was both good and bad for us Swedes…

Anyhow, our jobs are working out well so far, we are working with a lot of different things, such as websites, graphic designs and bike rentals but theyre all releated to computer work.

swedish bikesplus

So in the end everything is fine except that some of us tend to get sick quite easily, we have managed to have at least one sick person every day so far, but we are surviving ^_^

tanti saluti,
Panagiotis, Alfred, David, Alexander, Victor, Gert & Felix.


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