Erasmus + Interns: 700 Uniser Dreams


5 mobility consortiums, 4 Italian regions and 700 Erasmus+ grants for VET learners.

This is the achievement of two months of hard work done by the staff of Uniser in cooperation with its consortia’s partners. Two very intense months of analyzing, drafting and organizing the best mobility experiences we could dream for “our” students.

Two of the consortia are focused on Emilia-Romagna’s VET system. The first will involve 130 students from 12 Technical High Schools. The second one will involve 250 students from 50 Vocational Centres spread all around the region and it will be coordinated by A.E.C.A. (Associazione Emiliano-Romagnola centri Autonomi).

The third project will involve the CNOS-FAP regional federation in Lombardia, with 5 training centres. CNOS (Centro Nazionale opere Salesiane) is an organization promoting vocational education and training through the establishment of training centres, very famous in Italy for the high quality of the teachings methods.

UmbriaNet, based in Umbria region, the very heart of Italy. Thanks to our partner Itaca, a consortium of cooperatives, 12 Technicals and Vocational High School have the chance to send some of their students to live a challenging working experience in another European country.

Last but not least Love4Tourism, a project involving 100 students from Campania Technical Schools in the tourism sector, leaded by IGS social enterprise. Target participants of the project are young people studying marketing and tourism, a costantly growing sector in Campania. The project proposal has been considered so relevant by the Italian National Agency Isfol that it had an evaluation of 100/100, scoring the highest result in the KA1 VET Italian ranking 2016.



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