AperiTandem: one night travel around the world

Do you know that to meet people from other countries you don’t need to book a flight? Book your Tuesday evening for AperiTandem!


     What is AperiTandem?
It is a meeting event of those who wants to improve their foreign language or even learn new one just by communicating (no books, no teachers, no exams – just aperitif with your international friends).

     How it works?
By entering Cosmonauta you will get personal badge to write the language you’re offering (your native language) and the one you’re looking for (be brave, write more than one!). Since the evening is non-formal don’t be surprised to meet people who will offer you a drink together and will look for free hugs instead. Join the table and start you international trip!

     I’m a student, I don’t have money…
The evening is free and to have a better immersion into multicultural world you will be welcomed to taste Italian snacks that are traditionally served during aperitif each time.

     Where? When?
Our time together is never enough thus we are meeting each Tuesday at 19:00, Cosmonauta club.

     We only regret possibilities we didn’t take – make the first step and become a part of international family.




Una risposta a “AperiTandem: one night travel around the world”

  1. […] Savez-vous que pour rencontrer des personnes d’autres pays, vous n’avez pas besoin de réserver un vol? Réservez seulement votre mardi soir pour un AperiTandem! […]

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