Poland meets Italy: from Brzeg Dolny to Forlì

Practices in UNISER

In May, thanks to the Erasmus + program, we were able to leave for a professional practice in Forli, (Italy) where we were working on a project for UNISER.
In the first week of our arrival everyone had a meeting in their workplace, we as a group had a meeting with the UNISER organization where we were practicing. During the meeting, each participant talked about himself and his interests so he got the right role in the project.
Then we were divided into 2 groups, and our task was to prepare the  2 presentations on specific topics, in a completely new program (PREZI) we did not know before, so we could learn something new. To work we got our own office to which we walked every day from Monday to Friday and every day we had to write a report on the work we did. After the first presentation that was intended to help us to work in the group, we then began work on the project. We visited a lot of places, we got to know the local culture and language to make the best presentation. We created a PREZI presentation where we did some sort of city tour and talked about our experiences on video clips and we did interviews with other people here. Each participant participated in the project. We also talked about the trips we had here: Venice, Amusement Park – Mirabilandia, Florence and Forli. After completing the presentation, we prepared to present it.
Practices have been a tremendous experience for us, we have had the opportunity to visit many new and fantastic places, meet a lot of people and language, improve our teamwork skills, and work on new programs that we will use in the future and we learned to record movies

List of project participants:

-Dawid Stencel
-Kamil Sudoł
-Krystian Robak
-Maciej Duzel
-Marcin Głowacki
-Patryk Białoń
-Patryk Leszkiewicz
-Patryk Torebko
-Tomasz Klewek

Sebastian Zarzycki – „biblioteka”

Pierwszy tydzień był bardzo ciężki. Kilka minut zajmowało mi dojście do biblioteki przez co byłem zawsze z jakiegoś powodu przed czasem. Trzeba było się zaadoptować do okoliczności. Nowi ludzie, nowy język, rozmowy na temat przyszłych dni i ustalenie godzin oraz wykonywanej pracy.  Od godziny dziewiątej do trzynastej lub od piętnastej do osiemnastej miałem przychodzić do placówki. Zacząłem na prośbę szefowej pracę nad ich główną stroną internetową i wypełnianiem luk w informacjach poza. Najwięcej problemu było z umieszczeniem strony w Google ale jakoś udało się przyjąć adres. Drobne zmiany i kooperacja z innymi wolontariuszami nad tekstem były w miarę proste. Następny tydzień ciągle pracowałem z innymi nad prezentacjami do ich projektów. Krótkie, składne, z pomocą tłumaczenia jednej z wolontariuszek. Czas mijał, a ja coraz bardziej poznawałem prace i ludzi.
W niektórych momentach niebyło nic do roboty. Prowadzili dyskusję na temat zorganizowania nowych projektów i wydarzeń, musiałem wtedy zająć się sobą, zazwyczaj pracą w Wordzie. Kontakt stawał się coraz lepszy aż doszło do momentu na „ty”.  Kolejne dni były spokojne i przez powierzone zadania mijały bardzo szybko.
Przychodziłem tak jak było w planie i zaczynałem prace lub drobne prace siłowe. Czasem zanieść jakieś pudła, czasem naprawić plakat bo się odczepił i tyle. Każdego dnia była do zrobienia przynajmniej jedna prezentacja i dodatkowo parę zmian na założonej wcześniej stronie internetowej. Podczas jakiś mniejszych projektów w placówce robiłem zdjęcia i filmy, a następnie obrobione wrzucałem na portal i stronę internetową. Wszystko się powtarzało do końca czwartego tygodnia w którym na ostatni dzień pożegnałem się z wolontariuszami i szefową.

Adam Pokora, Mateusz Żurowski – Liceo Clasicco

Hello We are Adam Pokora and Mateusz Żurowski. We are 19 years old
We are 19 and we live in Brzeg Dolny and we go to the Vocational Schools Team To the ICT department.
The first of May we come to Italy for practice to work. We lived in the student residence of Tower Campus.
The organisation organizing practice has allocated us to Liceum Classico in School server room.
We are very happy that we have been assigned to the same job because we are very good friends. Our tutor on the practice was Giorgio Giovani and Luka Skywoker (I do not remember exact names). We started work at 8 o’clock and ended up at 14 o’clock, sometimes our tutor let us leave early at around 12 o’clock.
We got up every day to work at 7 o’clock. We dressed, ate breakfast, we ate our teeth and went to work.
To work we were very close, we walked about 5 minutes. It was really close, our roommate to work had an hour.
The first time we went to work we went on 4 May.
On the first day we got up very early and went to the uniser where we were waiting for Mrs iwona, who took us to our new job. 

We were very stressed out, but our tutor Giowani was a very nice gentleman, even though he did not know English. On the first day of work, we set up a program in the school lab.
Next week we repaired mainly broken earphones and dancers. It was the hardest working period. In the next two weeks we have been repairing mainly the computers and also configuring various programs on them – windows, openoffice , chrome and other programs.
Sometimes we also repaired and tested school internet.At work we met four other apprentices who taught us a couple of things. Our tutor was very kind to us, sometimes he let us go home earlier. In general we are very happy with the practice. We are glad that we went abroad to learn the culture of Italy and gain additional experience of the profession. We also found motivation to learn English and got to know Italian words. We think that such practices are very necessary because they teach a lot of useful skills in life such as self-reliance and by the way also cook.

Jakub Presia, Robert Pietralik – SisTer 

About our job

Robert and I were working in the company by the name „SIS-TER”. The company is responsible for gathering informations about shopping malls and all places alike. They’re putting those places on maps, update the data, and check if the old records are correct. Our job involves the last two activites, updating the data and checking if the old ones are correct or not. To do that, we need to look for the place in the internet, get as much informations as possible, and type it into excel file prepared for us. The first two weeks of our job was checking, if the malls are still existing, or if they are not. The last two weeks we were focused on the new task, that required us to gather the informations like the area of the mall, parking space, amount of shops, localization, year visitors and much more. It as fun to do because alot of those shops were close to the campus we were living in, so we knew if we have any kind of mall in the nearest area. Our tutor, Ines, was very precise with the instructions about our tasks, everything was understandable. We both have enjoyed the work, because we have learnt few new tricks in the Microsoft Excel program, for example, discovering shortcuts to have less typing, but, in overall, those skills have taught us that we can work faster with the same efficiency we were doing it with before. In the first few days, it was taking us alot of time to get fifty records into the spreadsheet, but with improvement in our skills we started to manage to make it four times more than previously in a shorter period of time. To get to the job, we needed to wake up rather early in the morning, go to the railway station and get into the correct train. It was taking us about half an hour to get to the city of Imola, and then additional 10 or 30, depending on the office we were supposed to be working in. From monday to thursday we had to work in a office next to the racing track, while at fridays we were in the main office, where there was much less noise and it was better inside. Starting from nine in the morning we usually were ending around fifteen or sometimes fourteen if we managed to make a large part in a shorter period of time. After that, we were going to the railway station to catch a train back to Forli.

Roland Waigner – Momini

I was working at Momini close to main sqare Piazza Saffi. At the first day i get to the work and my boss told me what i have to do the my whole stay time in Forli. First step my job was about to doing a research at the internet and also doing research at the internet websites to look for photos of toys for a kids and some kind of board games, puzzles, costumes and all of that things that are connected with kids. Basically my job wasn’t even about only looking for pictures of the toys, I also have to look for a dimensions of products, the toy mesure and the box of toy mesure and I putting it in to the spreadsheet Microsoft Excel. The next step of my job was to edit a pictures of a toy in a gimp, sometimes if photo weren’t a square i have to make them square by changing a dimension. The third step was about search a product from administrator account, next i have to upload the pictures(that I edited first) and replace a picture one by one choose the main one that will show first. Thats all about the job. Also after a hard work(not really) we have some free time(yaaaaay). At the free time we were going to play some bowling, going out at evening for some dinner, swimming pool, play some football with other groups from Poland. We had a trip to Venice, Florence, very beautiful cities. Also we were in Mirabilandia the great park. I’d love to comeback once to Italy to see again these architecture also in Forli ‘cause I haven’t seen something like this before.


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