Più indipendenti e internazionali grazie all’Erasmus

Katryona Duca è partita per il suo Erasmus un po’ titubante dato che non parlava bene l’italiano e aveva paura di sentire molto la mancanza di casa. Fortunatamente non è stato così e nel periodo che ha passato a Forlì per fare un tirocinio in un asilo nido della città ha avuto modo di fare un’esperienza davvero formativa e che l’ha resa un po’ più indipendente e sicura di sé. Ecco il suo racconto!

“Before starting my 2 month Erasmus experience I was afraid as I was not really good at speaking Italian and I
was scared that I will get homesick and not be able to fully enjoy it. Hopefully, it proved to be quite the opposite!

As soon as we arrived in Forlì we were welcomed by Valentina from Uniser who helped us and showed us where we will be staying during our 2 months and even showed us around the city of Forlì.

During the time I spent at the school I felt very welcomed by the teachers and the children as they were very patient with me when I didn’t understand something. We also got to visit various places around Italy such as San Marino, Venice and Bologna.

This experience helped me to become more independent and also helped me to learn more about a different culture and city, I’m glad I got the chance to experience this and I would do it again if I had the chance!


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