“Una delle migliori esperienze della mia vita”

Dopo aver letto il resoconto dell’Erasmus di Martina Ferry, oggi condividiamo l’esperienza di un’altra ragazza maltese che ha svolto il suo tirocinio a Forlì nei primi mesi dell’anno. Louisa Grech ha lavorato in un asilo nido e, nonostante le iniziali difficoltà, dopo qualche settimana si è sentita davvero a suo agio sia con i bimbi che con le insegnanti, come ci racconta lei stessa a qualche giorno dalla fine delle sua esperienza.

“As this Erasmus experience is coming to an end, I can say it was one of the best experience in my life. This first two weeks weren’t so easy as I had to adjust living with other people who had different upbringing and also a different routine. We had our arguments, but on the whole we managed to live with each other and be patient with one another. My biggest challenge here was the language. I have no idea of any Italian words and so from the start I knew it was going to be difficult to communicate with others especially on my internship.

On our first day at school, I felt out of place and I did not know how I was going to be able to play and communicate with the children. As days went by, I found it quite simple to understand the children, they speak slowly and basic Italian and so I could understand what they were saying. To speak to them back was a bigger issue and so I used gestures and very basic Italian. Schools here work differently in Malta and it was very interesting learning new things and getting more knowledge about different topics. We got used to the children and they got used to us. I also found great help from the teacher and she gave me her support in all my activities I planned for the children. Unfortunately the school had to close before our internship ended and so we couldn’t say goodbye to the children and the teachers.

Although we came here for the internship, we also managed to see Italy and go to different places, such as Rimini, Ravenna, San Marino, Brisighella, Bologna, Venice, Burano and others. Even though our experience will end earlier than planned, we still are managing to make our last days great and memorable ones.”


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