Il bello di uscire dalla comfort zone – A Bologna con Andalucía+

Grazie al progetto Andalucía+ Steven, Alejandro, Elvira, Adriana, Lucia, Miguel, Alvaro, Jean Marc, Yaiza e Alba Maria hanno potuto svolgere un mese di mobilità a Bologna, in diversi settori lavorativi.

Com’è andato questo mese a Bologna? Ce lo raccontano loro stessi alla fine del loro percorso, sia nella loro lingua madre, che a seguire, in inglese.


Nuestra experiencia de Erasmus  ha sido increíble, la repetiríamos mil veces. Animaríamos a mucha gente a vivir esta experiencia aunque no hayan salido nunca de España como nosotros, dejando los miedos atrás porque aquí estas muy acompañado. Hemos aprendido a salir de nuestra zona de confort y a desenvolvernos en otra ciudad, con otra cultura, costumbre, idioma y ambiente. Día a día hemos aprendido a vivir sin estar al lado de tu familia, a gestionar nuestro tiempo, ademas de aprender a hacernos de comer, fregar, poner lavadoras…etc.
Esta experiencia nos ha dado la oportunidad de familiarizarnos con otro idioma como es el italiano, conocer gente nueva de otros países, aprender como funcionan las empresas italianas de nuestro sector, formarnos en aquello que hemos estudiado y viajar para conocer ciudades cercanas a Bologna.
En definitivas, una experiencia muy bonita, gratificante, divertida y enriquecedora que recomendaríamos a todo el mundo y que repetiríamos sin pensarlo.


Our Erasmus experience has been incredible, we would repeat it a thousand times. We would encourage many people to live this experience even if they have never left Spain like us, leaving their fears behind because here you are very accompanied. We have learned to get out of our comfort zone and to live in another city, with another culture, custom, language and environment. Day by day we have learned to live without being next to your family, to manage our time, in addition to learning to make ourselves eat, wash, put washing machines … etc.
This experience has given us the opportunity to become familiar with another language such as Italian, meet new people from other countries, learn how Italian companies in our sector work, train ourselves in what we have studied and travel to see cities near Bologna.
In short, a very beautiful, rewarding, fun and enriching experience that we would recommend to everyone and that we would repeat without thinking.


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