It’s time to train the trainers! With MOB4ALL project in Helsinki

From 9 to 13 May 2022 we travelled to Helsinki to attend the training event “Training for Better Integration of Mobility Participants with Disabilities”, organised in the context of KA2 project MOB4ALL.

Day 1

The event was hosted by project partner Haaga-Helia, one the biggest universities of applied sciences in Finland. After a general overview about the university provided by Haaga-Helia, the project coordinator University of Sevilla made an extensive presentation of the MOB4ALL project and the upcoming training course.

After this introductory moment, all participants discussed about the Intellectual Output n. 2 of the project, which entails the development and implementation of the Specialised Training Course “Training for Better Integration of Mobility Participants with Disabilities”. It was agreed to create an a-synchronic training course for Moodle platform and a series of video lectures in English.

Day 2

The second day was dedicated to transversal aspects about student mobility: Marina from Incoma and our colleague Cecilia briefly presented the Erasmus programme, mainly focusing on two phases of mobility: before and during. Then a workshop was organised, resulting in the collection of many inputs about both school and VET mobility, regarding the selection of the students, their preparation and welcoming/onboarding.

Day 3

On day 3, Mirella from the University of Genova presented her materials both for the visual and hearing disorders. She started with an interactive questionnaire with some interesting questions about defining visual and hearing disabilities, about the main obstacles they face in university studies or their life and then she proceeded with an extensive theoretical part.

Following this, Faly and Rafael from the University of Sevilla presented the neuro-developmental disorders (such as autism, ADD, ADHD and more). They gave theoretical background for different disorders, having Asperger as an example from the Autism spectrum. After, participants discussed about the possibilities of Asperger people going abroad and also how universities can support students with this disorder.

To conclude the day, Katharina from MCI opened the discussions about reduced mobility with a practival experiment, where everyone had the possibility to sit in a wheelchair and try to move around on campus. It really gave good insights for all participants. Furthermore, there were topics for discussion, such as the appearance of disabilities in different countries, best practises and examples of discriminative or unfair situations.

Day 4

Specific learning difficulties in reading and/or writing was the theme of day 4. Janne and Maarit from Haaga-Helia presented the content for dyslexia, demonstrating both active exercises and the theory part, explaining that partners can adapt the exercises according to their needs and showing a dyslexia simulator which would give an authentic feeling of what it is like to read texts when you have Dyslexia. Then we also addressed other disorders such as dyscalculia and dysgraphia. 

The second part of the day was dedicated to discussions about the creation of contents for the Moodle platform course. Blanca, Dijbril and Jonathan from UCA presented the Ulysseus Moodle, where the MOB4ALL training course will be offered and they reminded partners about the general characteristics of the course, exchanging about the methods to create the content and uploading it, also taking into consideration the agreed learning objectives.


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