Meet the team! – From Belgium to the Netherlands, Indonesia and Mexico with Lucrezia

In the last months several new staff members have joined our Uniser family and we couldn’t be more excited! Last time we got to know Francesco better, today is Lucrezia’s turn.

Hello Lucrezia and thanks for taking part in this interview! Let’s start easy: how old are you and where do you live? Which city are you originally from?

Hi! Thank you for this opportunity!  I am 15 x 2 years old 🙂 I am currently living in Perugia which is also the city which I was born in.

What did you study and why did you choose such a path?

I have studied Environmental Sustainability and Animal Ecology – pretty different from most of my colleagues, I guess :D. I chose that because I love to know more about how our ecosystem works and what we can do to preserve it. 

I know that you had several experiences abroad, could you tell us more about them? Which countries did you live in?

You are right! I have been living in several countries for different reasons. During my bachelor degree, I had the opportunity to live in Belgium for a year thanks to an Erasmus program. Then I lived in the Netherlands for 5 years to obtain my Master degree and work a bit there. The Netherlands is a great country and I met real friends from all over the world, however, like many southerners, I couldn’t stand the cold temperatures and the darkness, so my heart brought me first to Indonesia for a month and then to Mexico for two years.  

Among those, which ones had the greatest impact on your life and why?

Definitely Mexico. There I lived one of the best experiences of my life because I was living in a Mayan village teaching kids about sustainability. Apart from that, it is a great country, with great food and amazing people! 

How did you come into contact with Uniser and why did you decide to apply for the job?

It was very random to be honest. I was ready to quit my job as a teacher and I was looking for a job that could help people experience what for me has been the absolute key to my personal growth: meeting new cultures, languages and traveling. UNISER was by far the perfect place for that and when I saw that there was a vacancy available, I immediately applied to it. The first time it didn’t go well but then I finally got it 🙂 

Could you tell us a bit more about your role at Uniser? 

I am part of the Hosting Partner Team which means that I am in contact with the European partners that will eventually host the groups that we send throughout the year. This is a very important step to guarantee that the mobility goes smoothly. 

What’s something you find challenging about your work?

So far, the most challenging part of my job has been running after partners who do not reply to collect useful information. Luckily most of them are easily reachable 🙂 

And what do you think motivates you most about your work?

For sure the mission of UNISER and the nice environment between colleagues and managers. I feel that people are truly respected for who they are and their necessities and wishes are also taken into consideration. 

Now something a bit more personal about you: what do you like to do in your free time? Do you play any sports or have any hobbies?

I have many hobbies. Maybe the one that right now is taking most of my time is dancing. I am part of a dancing group called “Salsamundo” which as you may guess is all about caribbean dances. When I am not dancing you can find me reading, meditating and/or removing garbage from the street 🙂 

Do you have any pets?

I am a cat person because throughout all my life I lived with cats however, at the moment I am living without pets. 

Is there a famous quote, film, song or anything similar that inspires you? Why?

Not a very original one but it keeps inspiring me every day since I have heard it: “What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” by Jane Goodall. 

Thank you very much!


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