Meet the team! – Learning, sharing and exchanging: discovering Isidora’s world

In the last months several new staff members have joined our Uniser family and we couldn’t be more excited! Last time we got to know Lucrezia better, today is Isidora’s turn.

Hello Isidora and thanks for taking part in this interview! Let’s start easy: how old are you and where do you live? Which city are you originally from?

Hello everyone, I am 28 years old and originally from Veneto, Montecchio Maggiore to be precise. Fun fact: in Montecchio there are the summer residences of Romeo and Juliet, did you know that?

What did you study and why did you choose such a path?

I studied Education and Training Sciences and Pedagogy. I am passionate about learning from other people, sharing ideas, opinions, and discussing different topics. It stimulates me to find new strategies to communicate, guide, and facilitate the learning of children and young people. I have the constant opportunity to challenge myself, to step out of my comfort zone and to collaborate in teams. Working with and for people allows me to get to know myself and reflect critically on my actions. 

I know that you had several experiences abroad, could you tell us more about them? Which countries did you live in?

My first experience abroad was in Brazil, in Petrolina, with the University of Padua for a 3-month internship. 

Then I got a taste for it so I went to study for a year in Barcelona, and I had the great fortune of being able to attend a master’s course on learning difficulties.

Last but not least, I lived in Wrocław, Poland. I came for a European volunteer year and stayed to work as a teacher in a Polish school for German minorities. For a total of almost three years. 

Among those, which ones had the greatest impact on your life and why?

I could not choose which experience had more impact because they all, at different stages of my life, shaped me. The first one was definitely the most extraordinary, different, exciting, scary, rich for all the input it gave me. 

For the first time I lived with peers, increased my independence and discovered what emotional education meant. 

How did you come into contact with Uniser and why did you decide to apply for the job?

I started hearing about Uniser and becoming curious about this association when I arrived in Poland. In Wrocław I did my European volunteer year at MODE Foundation, a partner of Uniser. There, among other things, I met and supported our amazing colleagues Aga and Dorota 🙂 

After working for a year as a teacher in Poland, I felt the need to train in an international environment. I was motivated to understand more about Erasmus projects, types, how to write calls for proposals. So I enrolled in a specialised course aimed at accountants who would like to become evaluators. Was it complicated? Yes. Was it worth it? Absolutely. 

Once I finished I felt I had even more questions. My curiosity grew as did my desire to go deeper. 

My previous work had formed me and passed on so much, yet I felt I wanted to broaden my experience in a more intercultural environment. When I saw that Uniser was looking for two different roles, I thought it was a great opportunity. 

Could you tell us a bit more about your role at Uniser? 

I am a Hosting Coordinator, which means that I support the Hosting team in the management of foreign groups coming for internships in Emilia-Romagna. 

What’s something you find challenging about your work?

Something I find challenging in a positive way in my work is the relationship with schools, partners and participants. Sometimes it can be complicated to communicate with several social actors who have different needs, but it is precisely the possibility of having to find different strategies that makes my role complex.

And what do you think motivates you most about your work?

As I said above, what motivates me are relationships, the opportunity to meet people with their stories, knowledge, skills. It motivates me to see the progress that the members of each group make, small steps towards autonomy for example, or new learning at work or collaboration with each other in times of difficulty. In my opinion, it is nice when participants want to share good times, fun or feel they can trust you and talk about fears and difficulties. 

Now something a bit more personal about you: what do you like to do in your free time? Do you play any sports or have any hobbies?

I love everything that involves contact with nature, as a good old Scout leader 🙂 

Climbing a mountain, climbing, swimming in the sea or a lake, making a bonfire, cooking, singing, getting to know plants and animals, using a compass to orient myself. 

In addition, in Brazil, I discovered and practised capoeira for a short time, which fascinates me so much. 

In Poland, I discovered ice hockey, bathing in a frozen lake, and ice skating. 

I have many passions and I consider myself a curious person who doesn’t shy away from trying a new sport. 

Is there a famous quote, film, song or anything similar that inspires you? Why?

Depende ¿De qué depende?
De según como se mire, todo depende

It depends.
It depends. It depends on what?
Depending on how you look at it, it all depends.

I hear it as a simple, clean and clear invitation to be empathetic and non-judgmental. 

Thank you very much for sharing this with us!


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