Meet the team! – From Morocco to Zaragoza with Hanane, the polyglot

Hello Hanane! Thanks for finding the time to meet with me and tell us a bit about you. Let’s start easy and discuss a bit what you do here with us.

When did you join Uniser and what’s your current role?

Hi! It’s a pleasure! 😊 thanks to you for your understanding, patience and flexibility!

I joined Uniser at the beginning of this year, as a result of the integration of our Sending department to Uniser, at the beginning my role was mainly back office as well as supporting the School account, but since April of this year I started to have full School account functions, I’m in charge of the coordination of the schools with which Uniser collaborates in the Aragon region.

What do you think is the most rewarding aspect of your job?

We have been through some pretty complicated years because of the pandemic, and, in addition to that, we also had to face structural and organizational changes in our department. Of course we tried not to let that affect our work especially with the schools, and it was not easy at all. But the fact that we went through all of that together and we are still standing, sending students and receiving positive feedback in most cases, is something that makes you feel happy and it means that your hard work was worth it. 

So, going back to your question, I would highlight the moment at the end of the mobilities when our Mobility Coordinators send us that wonderful message: “the students have arrived home safe and sound”!

And the most challenging?

As I have little experience in this position, and the circumstances of this year were peculiar, it’s a bit complicated and unfair to judge this position by one aspect in particular. However, if I have to name one, it could be the activity of convincing schools to make a few changes in their work in order to collaborate with us. This means going beyond that barrier of fear of change and convince them that it will be to improve ​​the quality of their curricula, but sometimes this is a rather challenging task.

I know this is not easy but I think the answer can be interesting could you describe your typical work day? 

My morning starts by checking mails, Whatsapp and Slack messages, deciding what things are more urgent to answer, understanding what issues need the consultation or approval of other colleagues or team leader. Although it’s very complicated, because once you start it’s very difficult to move on to other tasks, I would actually like to improve this aspect in the training on work efficiency that we have started.

As I work alone in Zaragoza, I always have calls or online meetings with my colleagues of the department who are in Barcelona and with my beloved team leader Silvina, I bother her with my questions every single day…

At the beginning of this month we finished the coordination meetings with the schools, but normally we always have during the day at least one meeting with the Erasmus coordinators of the schools.

Right now we are in the middle of the support for the writing of the final reports and with all the deadlines, so I usually dedicate part of my time to it, which is usually the last hours of the day.

Who are the colleagues you work most closely with and what do you think about teamwork? 

In general I work with all my colleagues in the Sending department in Spain, our team leader Silvina and Samuel, and also with Annalisa, who has received a lot of questions from me on Slack! I also thank her for being patient with me these months, regarding the follow-up of the mobilities and the contact with the partners I work a lot with the Mobility coordinators Valentina and Marisol, they both did a wonderful and fundamental job! During this year I have also worked with Viktorija from the HP department for the management of all the payments from the schools and who has also had to put up with hundreds of emails and messages from me asking for the invoices! And in the last month I have worked very closely with Sabrina, who is helping us a lot with the additional documentation for the final reports.

Within all the chaos we had this year, I could say that we have had a very understanding team that has always put the best possible effort to end  all the mobilities.

I personally thank you all for being very supportive during these months! 

Talking a bit about you, what were your studies and what’s something you’re proud of?

I studied until I was 17 years old in Morocco, basically up to the first year of high school.

Then I moved with my family to Spain, where I studied vocational training in administrative management and finance, 2 years of VET and 2 years of HE.

The next step was the university, I studied a degree in Business Administration and Management, and after my internship I worked in Asociación Mundus, and now I’m in Uniser!

I feel very proud of my life’s journey to get to where I’m today.

Maybe it sounds very philosophical, but honestly for me it was a very important challenge to come to Spain and build little by little, climbing steps, my personal and professional life, gaining self-esteem to believe that I can really make it, I have the photo that I share with you in the wallpaper of my cell phone, just so that every day I look at that little girl and think that it has been worth making sacrifices sometimes. 

Are you a sports fan? Who are your favorite teams?

I like to watch football matches with my father, we don’t support any particular team, we just like to watch good football, but if the Spanish or Moroccan national team is playing we become a bit crazy fans!

I also like to watch Motogp races, here I support 100% Marc Marquez, and I’m also a big fan of Rafael Nadal, especially when he plays at Roland Garros.

Can you speak more than one language?

I speak two mother tongues, Amazigh and Arabic.

As I studied in Morocco  I speak French, although during all these years I have had this language a little rusty, for work I use English and also have to improve! and because of my 14 years in Spain I’m already an expert in Spanish!

Anything else you wish to add?

Yes, one last thing: the picture that I sent for this article is a very characteristic place of my hometown called Dadès Gorges… and one of the houses below belongs to my uncle!

Thanks a lot!


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