Meet the team! – Unique Erasmus vibes from Giulia

Lately new colleagues have joined our team so we’re interviewing them to know a bit more about each other! Last time it was Agnes’s turn, today Giulia will tell us a bit about her. Let’s start!

Hello Giulia and thanks for taking part in this interview! Can you introduce yourself a bit?
My name is Giulia Ucciero and I am 26 years old. I am currently living in Prato, a city near Florence, but I would say I feel like a European citizen. I love nature, travelling, sunsets and pizza 🙂

What did you study and why did you choose such a path?

Since I was a child, thanks to my mother, I had the opportunity to travel around Europe. As I wanted to be able to communicate with international people and to better understand their culture, I decided to study foreign languages, improving my English, Spanish and French. Thanks to my studies and my experiences (not only trips but also Erasmus and other kinds of adventures), I am now comfortable meeting new people from different countries and backgrounds. Indeed, during a Youth Exchange in Romania, I realised I was in a party of an ESC volunteer where participants were from almost 20 different countries: it was amazing!

Here I was in Craiova for a Youth Exchange

I know that you had several experiences abroad, could you tell us more about them? 

My neighbour called me “ la giramondo” (globe-trotter) as she used to see me very often with a suitcase while I was leaving for a new experience abroad. It is quite difficult to count all of them, but I can say that the first one was in 2012. I was 16 and I lived near Oviedo for three months. It was unforgettable!

During and after university, I participated in many youth exchanges and training courses in different European countries which allowed me to meet so many new people and learn more about new topics. I was also an au pair in France for three months, I spent a university semester in Liege (Belgium) and I did two internships abroad (in the UK and in Bilbao).

Among those, which one/s had the greatest impact and why?

Well, it is not an easy question but probably the first one. I was young, quite shy, not really aware of what was going to happen even if I was so enthusiastic and happy! At the beginning it was not so easy: my knowledge of Spanish was low, I was alone in a new family, far away from my friends and family, going to a new school. However, it probably took me only a couple of weeks and I was already fine. I learnt so much in those three months: not only in a linguistic point of view, but also in a cultural and personal way. When I came back to Italy, I was different and I also got a new sister who spent three months in my house as well. We are still in touch and I see my hosting family as a second family.

Here I was in Picos de Europa mountains with my sister Irene on the left and my Spanish sister Andrea on the right

How did you come into contact with Uniser and why did you decide to apply for the job?

After all my Erasmus experiences, I knew I wanted to work with Erasmus projects and indeed I was already working in the Erasmus field for more than three years.  When I found the online job opportunity, I was immediately attracted by Uniser’s world: a new work environment, a new experience and new activities which really motivated me. 

Could you tell us a bit more about your role at Uniser? 

To be honest, I believe I don’t have a unique role at Uniser. Officially, I am a hosting coordinator managing the incoming projects in Italy and following joint hosting projects with Italian VET schools, but at the same time I am working with colleagues from other teams (sending accounts and hosting partners for example). Recently I also started to follow a KA2 project called Build@home about internalisation at home and I would say “never say never” at Uniser.

And what do you think motivates you most about your work?

I would say differences: different activities, different and new participants, different projects, being in different places (for JH visits or KA2 meetings) and different colleagues to work with. I don’t like repetitiveness and I love the idea of spreading Erasmus projects around Europe.

Now something a bit more personal about you: what do you like to do in your free time? Do you play any sports or have any hobbies?

As all Uniser colleagues, I definitely love travelling. As I am a curious person, in my free time, I read books, watch movies and learn new things. I also love nature, walking and looking for amazing flowers and colourful leaves.

What’s your favourite season?

When I was a child I used to love spring as days were getting longer and it meant that summer was approaching. However, when I was living abroad, I started to notice new kinds of trees and I became curious about the different and colourful leaves. Consequently, even if during this season days get shorter, I see autumn as my favourite one.

Is there a famous quote, film, song or anything similar that inspires you? Why?

I would say a song called “Birds” by Imagine Dragons and a nice quote by Albert Einstein:

“Sunsets, sunrises
Livin’ the dream, watching the leaves
Changing’ the seasons
Some nights I think of you
Reliving the past, wishing it’d last
Wishin’ and dreaming”

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”

Thank you very much!


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