Warming up the engines: KA2 project Di-struct is ready to kick off!

From January 24th to 25th 2023, the first operative meeting of Di-struct project – Restructuring subjects by digitalising VET – will take place in Lyon (FR) at the Chambre de Métiers et de l’Artisanat Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (CMA Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes) where we will partecipate together with ENSINUS VET centre (Portugal), NGO Magyar Digitalis OktatasertEgyesület – MDOE (Hungary) and Fondazione Golinelli (Italy). Magyar Digitalis OktatasertEgyesület

CMA Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is the coordinator of this cooperation partnership Erasmus Plus project and whose objective is to support skills growth, foster working based/dual-education through VET schools and support the development of crafts companies/entrepreneurs.

During these days, partners will have the opportunity to discuss management strategy, governance, reporting and quality management. They will also visit the training centre of the CMA, the EFMA (Espace Formation des Métiers et de l’Artisanat), dedicated to dual learning.

The project’s main objective is to increase the level of digitalisation of VET schools by:

1. Improving the digital skills of teachers in active learning methodologies based on the use if ICTs;

2. Creating more digital, interactive and attractive content for students.

The Di-struct project will address schools and in particular to VET Teachers, managers, headmasters and VET students.

Di-struct! project will create new tools for introducing more active learning activities in VET through the use of ICT. The main project results will be: 

  • an analysis of the state of the art concerning digitalisation, 
  • an E-Learning course
  • a set of guidelines on digitalisation. 
  • a set of subject-based guidelines on digitalisation.

For the next two and half years, partners will work together to reach the project objectives and develop the project results: a fruitful cooperation and cooperation partnership Erasmus Plus project is about to start!


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