Teens in Seville: More than a cultural exchange!

From 12th to 27th March, a group of teenagers from the school Liceo Monti spent sixteen days in Seville thanks to the Erasmus+ Accreditation Righi’s “SCHOOL” project.

This is their story, written for us directly from the main characters of this Spanish adventure:

Our experience in Spain was extremely educational and interesting from different points of view: linguistic, social, cultural and economic as we were hosted by Spanish families, we attended classes and we were also asked to organize some of our free time. Our group was splitted into two schools, IES Santa Aurelia and IES V Centenario. We were given a timetable and we attended classes from 8 a.m. to 2 or 3 p.m., depending on the schedule.

This experience has improved our language skills as we had to communicate with other people in Spanish, which not all of us could speak. Actually, we expected that people could speak better English, but most of them couldn’t. Also, we got used to their traditions and habits, which are different from ours, such as food, meal schedules and all the “unwritten” rules. Furthermore, we became friends with the students from the school we attended. As a consequence we have not only improved our social skills but also opened our minds. In addition, we had to manage our leisure time, both from an organizational and an economic point of view and this helped us develop our entrepreneurial skills.

We firmly believe that more and more students should have the opportunity to take advantage of this project funded by the European Union since it helps develop skills related to European and active citizenship. We are very grateful for having been chosen to experience such an adventure that we will remember forever. For sure we have changed, we have matured and we feel that the teens we were before this “sixteen day experience” are now different.

By spending time abroad, we have increased our curiosity about other cultures and we are not afraid of moving from one country to another or having to face new situations. We are now more flexible and adaptable because of this interest in other cultures. Taking part in an Erasmus project means that you are offered a real chance for your personal growth. The Erasmus experience is a personal and inner journey and while you are on your way you can learn more about who you are and what you desire. Moreover, another positive aspect is that you can learn how to better face changes and make a change

In conclusion, it was an amazing experience. Erasmus projects are more than a cultural exchange; they are a chance to live in different countries and meet people from different backgrounds. That was the most attractive part of the program and we are extremely grateful for it.


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