Meet the team! – Beatrice, social consciousness and a passion for nature

Hello Beatrice and thanks for taking part in this interview! Let’s start easy: how old are you and where do you live? Do you like your city?

Hi Lucia! I’m 24 and now that you mention it I’m actually the youngest staff member (🥳). 

I live in a small town located between Imola and Bologna in the countryside and I like it as I’ve always enjoyed spending time in the open air, in contact with nature and animals. 

The relationship with nature is very relevant for me because it helps me to recharge my batteries.

What did you study and why did you choose such a path?

In November 2021 I got my Bachelor Degree in Communication and right now I’m attending Local Development and Welfare Policies’ Master at University of Bologna. The main reason why I decided to choose this Master course is because I’m a very altruistic person and I care about people’s well-being a lot, so I’d like to do a meaningful job for the whole community. 

Wow! Both studying and working, quite a busy life. Are you a coffee or tea person? 

As stereotypical as it may sound for an Italian I’m definitely a coffee person. It’s not only about the taste but the whole experience that comes with it. I like to sit in a nice bar, both in company and alone, enjoying my “caffé macchiato” or “cappuccino” and relaxing. Quoting a famous movie “we call it dolce far niente” and this is my daily dolce far niente. 

Could you tell us how you came in contact with Uniser and when? 

Yes, sure! It was on Valentine’s Day 2022 and I was doing a WorkAway experience in France taking care of horses. My au pair work was great and I’ve never felt more relaxed and happy-go-lucky in my entire life but that day I had lots of free time so was randomly looking at some trainee positions back in Italy on Indeed. When I saw your job announcement I remember thinking “Mmh interesting, I didn’t know it was a thing looking for internships placements for Erasmus students’ so I applied, thinking that nobody would have contacted me in the short period. However life had a different plan for me so here I am! 

Since you entered as a staff member, what have you been doing, what are your main duties? 

My position is Company Care and my main duties are participants’ CV screening, proposing students by emails and phone calls to the companies, arranging inductions, doing inductions (occasionally) and supervising internships from companies’ point of view. 

Which one do you enjoy more and why?

Probably inductions. Even if you use lots of energy catching trains & buses, mediating between students’ expectations and firms’ needs and being on time it’s my chance to see if my students-company’s match was right on the field. I like to see interns’ faces happy and smiling 🙂 

What motivates you the most about your job?

What motivates me the most is the social aim of Uniser. With our European projects we help lots of students to enter the world of work with a plus and it’s particularly important especially for pupils that experience disadvantaged socio-economic conditions. We try our best to offer them a real opportunity

What are your hopes for the future at Uniser?

I hope to continue to help Uniser in pursuing its social aim and I’d like to have professional growth within the company: I’m open to being surprised by incoming news! 

And for this summer? Do you have any trips planned?
Yes, and it’s a big one! For the first time in my life I’ll travel outside Europe and my friends and I are heading to somewhere sunny 11.738km away from Italy: it’s time to see the rest of the world and I hope it’s the first of a long series of adventurous trips like that! 

Thanks a lot!


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