Meet the team! – Painting Samuel’s life between Italy and Spain

Hi Samuel! Thanks for finding the time to meet with me and tell us a bit about you. Let’s start easy and discuss a bit what you do here with us.

When did you join Uniser and what’s your current role?

I started as Project Manager Account in May 2022 when the Spanish department was still part of the Asociación Mundus and they started the merging of the department with Uniser.

What do you think is the most rewarding aspect of your job?

Probably the biggest one is doing home office work, which allows me to balance working hours with free time. 

And the most challenging?

Facing audits or complaints from the schools are really hard because you cannot excuse yourself even if it’s not related directly to your work performance and yet you are in charge of reviewing all the project management from previous years. 

I know this is not easy but I think the answer can be interesting: could you describe your typical work day? 

During my work day I answer doubts related to the mobilities and projects from school coordinators that approach me by mail, phone call or whatsapp; I usually dedicate some part of the day to check contracts, invoices and Erasmus documents, both templates and scans; I usually have meetings with colleagues and team leader in order to discuss procedures and solve questions and problems. I’m also in charge of the projects’ budget so I’m aware of the payments accomplished from the school and the remaining money that they can use; I fulfill Erasmus platforms and check registration and info distribution in the Moving Generation. Eventually, depending on the period of the year, I support schools with the final reports writing, new projects’ applications, middle reports’ submission and majeure force and fewer opportunities’ students management.

Where are you based at the moment? Do you like the place where you are at the moment or are planning any changes soon?

I recently moved from Barcelona to Seville, where I’m originally from, so I’m not planning to change location at the moment. I chose the place I’m at now because I can get my family and friends support and see them often, so I’m pretty happy.

What were your studies and what are the causes that you support the most?

I studied Fine Arts Degree and later I completed a Master’s Degree in Art Creation Research and a Master’s Degree in Secondary School & Vocational Training teaching.

I personally support public education, and especially the promotion of tolerance towards sexual and gender identity diversity within it. 

Did you live in other countries other than yours for study or work purposes?

I lived in Rome for 1 year when I was in my third year of college as an Erasmus student. Then, in 2021 I moved to a town close to Bari where I supported teachers at a school as part of a volunteering program. 

Do you practice any sport or have hobbies that you would like to tell us about?

I don’t practice any sport but I work out at the gym a couple of days per week. I’m very good at painting and drawing and I like spending some time of the day doing that. There was a time when I used to participate in collective exhibitions and contests. Now it’s harder because I have a full time job, but I try to keep this activity in my life. 

Summer has finally arrived: do you have any trips planned? 

I’m travelling to Granada in two weeks for the weekend, visiting a friend of mine who lives there; then I will probably spend one or two weekends in Conil, which is a town by the coast of Cádiz. Then, I’m spending most of August in Irpinia, which is an area inside of the region of Campania, in the south of Italy. It is surrounded by mountains and nature and it’s not a touristic area, even if there are some beautiful villages and some well-known wine  production. 

Thanks a lot!


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