iMECH+ training events to deepen knowledge in mechanics and much more!

Last March 2023, in Aranjuez (ES), the second  training event of the KA2 project iMECH+ was held, hosted by Colegio Loyola.

 The partner organisations involved were, besides us: Salesiani Lombardia per la formazione ed il lavoro – CNOS-FAP (coordinator of the project), Axxell Utbildning AB, Georg-Schlesinger-Schule, Campus des métiers et des qualifications microtechniques et systèmes intelligents and FUNDACION INSTITUTO PROFESIONAL DUOC UC.

The training involved teachers from 6 countries: Italy, Finland, Spain, France, Germany and Chile and the focus was on presenting and sharing inclusion strategies in everyday teachings, and within specific training classes, for special needs students.

All the participants collected best practices on inclusion strategies in their countries training systems and prepared training modules and simulations to be performed during the training. They also brought real life examples of successful inclusion stories.

The participants also visited the centre of Colegio Loyola located in Valora were they had the chance to see first-hand the great job done by local teachers in three specific cases:

-Classrooms Educational Compensation -ACE
– Students with judicial measures.
– Absentee students

The four days training was not only about professional updating and working but the staff of Colegio Loyola performed as perfect guides in Aranjuez and Toledo. All the participants were amazed by the two beautiful cities, their art and their history.

The one in Aranjuez was not the first training event of the KA2 project iMECH+. The very first took place in Turku (FI) from 7th to 1th November 2022.

The training involved teachers in mechanics, mechatronics and automation from the 6 countries involved in the project and all partners attended the event.

The training was aimed at sharing the best practices collected in  mechanics, mechatronics and  automation and to deepen the knowledge of the teaching techniques and hacks for those subjects in the different countries and training systems. The participants had the possibility to attend simulated classrooms and to exercise with specific softwares and tools.

During the four days training, thanks to the valuable help and organisation of the hosting partner, Axxell Utbildning AB, the participants visited the venue of the training at Aboa Mare, maritime training centre in Turku, other training centres of Axxell Utbildning AB located in Pargas and Karis and last but not least, had the possibility to have special guided tour to the city centre of Turku and to experience finnish hospitality and food.

As the project envisages three topics and as many trainings, we, as Uniser, look forward to hosting the next training on internationalisation, planned for the next November in Bologna (IT).


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