Two Spanish students in Portugal: different stories, same exciting outcome!

Thanks to the Erasmus+ programme, Aketza and Sheila, two students from IES Tubalcain in Tarazona (Spain) had the opportunity to do an internship in Coimbra (Portugal), hosted by our partner Mondego.

Two people, two different stories but with a common exciting epilogue. Read about them in the following lines.

Aketza‘s experience:

“I study Vehicle Electromechanics at IES Tubalcain in Tarazona. The 21/03 I went to Coimbra (Portugal) on Erasmus where I did my internship in a company located in Antanhol, called Ls Motorsport.

The experience has been incredible, the treatment of the company has been perfect! Both Luis and Gilberto were always there during my stay, sharing their knowledge with me and helping me to be a better mechanic.

In these three months, I have been able to practice on both normal street cars and sports cars (such as Porsche or Mercedes).

I have nothing bad to say about the company, everything has been very good.

On a personal level there is a lot to tell, I have to thank Luis’ family, especially for the way they treated me, they had me practically as an adopted son. I keep many memories with me: the food we ate together, the long talks with Claudia about the differences between my country and Portugal, and much, much more.

They also took me to places where I could live some awesome experiences, such as seeing the Superspecial Rally in Figueira Da Foz or eating in nice and particular restaurants.

I really liked also the people that were bringing us vehicles’ parts, they were always very nice and even joked with us most of the time.”

Sheila‘s experience:

“Hello! My name is Sheila, I am a student of Care for People in a Situation of Dependency at IES Tubalcain in Tarazona.

Before going on Erasmus I didn’t know exactly what it was about, but my teachers informed me and encouraged me to do it, so I thought I couldn’t miss this great opportunity.

I spent three months as an Erasmus student in Coimbra (Portugal), in an association of families with disabled people, called Cavalo Azul.

At the beginning it was a bit hard for me, as it was my first time doing an internship, but the truth is that the company treated me very well and it took me a super short time to adapt.

Every day they had different workshops in which I helped, such as cooking, painting, music therapy, gym and much more. I also helped them in the canteen, preparing the tables and feeding those who needed it.

During those 3 months I lived in a residence called Livensa Living, and I think I couldn’t have found a better place where to live! The facilities were very good, there was a shared kitchen, swimming pool, sauna, gym, games room, cinema and library.

The first day we had a big meeting, to explain how the programme was going to be but also to express ourselves, talking about our fears, our expectations and the achievements we wanted to accomplish during these months. At the meeting I was also introduced to more Erasmus students from other places, with whom I lived for the following 3 months.

Coimbra is a university city, so there were a lot of youngsters around during the whole week. In the weekends we usually went out partying, travelling and visiting different areas (I’ve been in Nazaré, Porto, Lisbon and Aveiro).

Erasmus is an incredible and unforgettable experience, it makes you grow and improve in every aspect of your life, it gives you the chance to know another country, learn a new language and become more independent.

During this period I also met many incredible people, and some of them for sure are going to be lifetime friendships. Without any doubt it has been one of the best experiences I had, I would love to repeat it.”


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