Meet the team! – Getting to know Bruno and his contagious enthusiasm

Hello Bruno and thanks for taking part in this interview! Let’s start with a few info about yourself: where are you from? Where are you living now?  

Hello Uniser family and thank you for this opportunity!

Well, well! I am from the birthplace of Simon Bolivar (El Libertador) where you can know the incredible biodiversity between Andean mountain range and the North Caribbean coast of South America: Venezuela!

I left my capital city, Caracas, 19 years ago because I wanted to continue my life and my studies in the homeland of my parents: Italy!

I am living now in Padua, in a historical neighborhood which is called “Dei Giusti” (righteousness) and where you can enjoy the principal places of Terme Euganee.

What did you study and why did you choose such a path?

It’s possible that asking what you didn’t study would be the better option!

Basically, I have always pursued international studies. For example, in Venezuela, I studied Economics and Business (International Trade). Here in Italy, I received my Bachelor Degree in Political Science and International Relations from the University of Padua and my Master’s Degree in EU project design and management in Bologna.

My interest in the knowledge of national and local political dynamics and the diplomatic world led me to choose the first two degrees. For the last Master’s Degree, I chose this sector thanks to my first Erasmus experience with my university: I spent 5 months in Andalucía (Spain) to complete my internship as a host coordinator in a European association. 

What do you like to do in your free time? 

I make a premise: It’s not that easy for me to sit still!

In these months, my free time consists of travelling, discovering new places and visiting old friends and making new friends. But in my spare time, I occasionally volunteer in my community church.

During my last holidays I visited Bari and Taranto, special cities of the Puglia region. I enjoyed the food, the museums and the beautiful people.

I enjoy doing other hobbies, like writing my memories, go dancing, take pictures, try new graphic applications and watch television series (ex., Doctor Who, BackDoor Comedy, Chuck, Marvel’s, Simpson’s).

Could you tell us how you came in contact with Uniser and when? 

I came in contact with Uniser in autumn 2019. I was checking European sites on the web and the announcement appeared to be lit. I decided to participate in the selection of candidates as a Group Leader. In February 2020, I started traveling with Italian student groups just before the coronavirus hit Europe. I did 10 mobilities between different European cities in Spain, Portugal, France, Slovenia, Greece, and Cyprus.

What pushed you to join Uniser on a more stable basis?

Gradually, I got to know the reality of Uniser and it became for me a reference point. To me, it opened the opportunity to work on the Eu-projects world again.

The possibility of growing inside the reality of Uniser was asked by my mentors and other members of the staff. This fact was during my last mobility in Cyprus and then I accepted the opportunity. 

Since you entered as a staff member, what have you been doing, what are your main duties? 

I have been doing the Spanish school account / Spanish sending account organisation. 

In general, I am one of many responsible for managing mobility and relationships with Spanish educational centers.

My main duties are: prepare the forecast budget and travel; manage the process of sending groups of students from Spain; check and validate the mobility documentation; maintain contact between consortia and schools and share the assignments with other departments at Uniser.

Which one do you enjoy more and why?

Ja ja ja I would say that maintaining contact is one of the most difficult task, even though I love to communicate with people!

Between my duties I have protocols designed to handle multiple details, observe and complete the procedures but these tasks have a top priority when you are in continuous communication with staff members, your team and with Erasmus coordinators, teachers and schools.

Communication is the basis for every relationship, which needs to be moderate, comprehensive, careful, and effective. Our tasks and objectives can satisfy everyone’s needs for the experiences of students in mobility and the monitoring of schools at a distance.

What motivates you the most about your job?

I believe that the motivation is the work team. Since I had contact with Uniser I saw the mutually reinforcing for to do best the processes and grow thanks to the support and encouragement of people. 

All colleagues form a big puzzle with many dynamics, changes, meetings, decisions. We’re involved in a motor that doesn’t stop and grows year to year. It is wonderful because it means the capacity to comply with the goals.

The staff members have time to create a good atmosphere at work during coffee break, lunch and training. Also we share conviviality moments with spritz time and trips.

What are your hopes for your future at Uniser?

I hope to contribute with commitment and creativity for the future at Uniser. I’d like to meet all people in the office; try to know the main duties, the progress and enjoy the results of changing.

I am aware that the cooperative is growing, and the staff members are trying to improve their skills to take this new step in expansion.

I hope to be a good resource in Uniser together with my team and staff members because we do “The same thing we do everyday, try to take over Europe” (semi cit, Pinky & The Brain, Animaniacs).

Thank you very much! Hugs and regards!


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