Brewing Connections: “A Coffee with Uniser Members” 

A new initiative has recently been launched at Uniser, with the objective of getting to know its members better. But who are the members of a cooperative and why are they so important?

Some of the members in 2018

Members of a social cooperative are the individuals who actively participate in and contribute to the cooperative’s activities, operations, and decision-making processes. They form the core of the cooperative, and their involvement is crucial to its success.

That’s why we have decided to organise a series of meetings twice a week, half an hour after lunch. During these sessions, Uniser members are available online to share their personal journey towards membership and provide insights into the early days of our cooperative. This allows our newest staff members to gain a firsthand understanding of our cooperative’s evolution and also to ask questions.

Andrea handing out the member badge to Sandro (2018)

Each week is dedicated to two or three members that explain how they came in contact with Uniser, what they were doing at the beginning (spoiler: almost everything!), what brought them to become members and what it means for them.

Annalisa and Sandro right after becoming Uniser members (2018)

Sometimes they like to share with us funny stories or anecdotes about the early days, pictures about the first groups hosted, the first initiatives organised, but also the offices where they worked: can you believe that it all started from a small room in an attic?

The first members and the first office in Forlì (2009)
One of the first groups hosted in Forlì (2009)


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