A more accessible internationalisation at home with Build@Home toolbox

In an increasingly international world and in line with the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, international competences become more and more important every day. 

The Erasmus+ programme is an excellent opportunity to acquire these skills through internships, cultural exchanges or other types of projects. What if you can’t participate for limited financial resources of the programme, social or other kinds of reasons?
If you can’t go to Europe through Erasmus, Europe will come to you thanks to the Build@Home project!

Indeed, in the framework of this project financed under Key Action 2 of Erasmus+ programme, partners developed tools which enable teachers and students to create, implement and participate in internationalisation@home activities in line with the current training needs set by the 2030 Agenda.

One of the project activities was to organise training courses for teachers who could test and pilot the other main activity of the project: the Build@Home toolbox for borderless learning!

In what way can you include internationalisation in your education? 

You will discover that you don’t necessarily have to go abroad thanks to the international@home activities you will find here.

It is your free and intuitive toolbox which can help you to build your own internationalisation program in five easy steps:

  1. Explore: set your compass
  2. Define: map your road
  3. Choose: search an activity
  4. Experience: perform an activity
  5. Check: secure your intentions

If you have any international@activity you would like to propose, don’t be shy and write to giuliau@uniser.net: let’s create this accessible database with educational activities and teaching tools together!

And don’t forget that “Internationalisation is not a purpose in itself, it is a resource to prepare students for LifeLong Learning and working in an intercultural society and an international labour market.”     
Nuffic – The Dutch organisation for internationalisation in education


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