Engaging young voices in the 2020’s – The Eye of the Voter project

How do you engage young people in elections and in EU and member states in the upcoming years? What tools prove most effective? What lessons have we learned about what works and what doesn’t? 

Join us on April 12th 2024 at 14:00 for a digital interactive seminar on relevant methods for youth involvement in European democracy. The forum aims to help you explore potential methods that can leverage work that aims to engage first and second time voters in democratic practice. In order to support the discussion we have invited representatives who will showcase their initiatives that successfully engage young people in democratic activism.

  1. Two participants of “The eye of the voter” project in which we have explored ways to involve young individuals representing groups that usually have low turnout in elections as election observers by visiting the Polish election last October.
  2. A representative of Polish new media Orientuj się will speak about their innovative use of youth-led citizen journalism and how it allowed them to reach over 5 million likes on TikTok.
  3. A young participant of the TALE project will present an inspiring example of becoming a “changemaker” through local activism that spreads awareness about the EU election.

Engaging young voices is a call to action for everyone who believes in the power of democratic participation and who is ready to rethink what methods best serve the purpose to find paths to participation. Whether you’re a representative of an organisation empowering youth, a civil servant within a municipality or new to the cause, we think you will find something in this event – find inspiration or maybe even your future project partner?

The seminar is presented by the Erasmus+ project “The Eye of the voter” that is being implemented by ALDA, Fabel, Odpowiedzialna Polityka and UNISER.

Please register to the event in the following Google Form.


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