Meet the team! – Paola’s path to rediscovery and growth

Hello Paola and thanks for taking part in this interview! Let’s start easy: could you tell us how you came in contact with Uniser and when? 
Thank you! It’s such a pleasure to be here, sharing a bit about myself after over a year of working at Uniser. I have known Uniser and many of its members since the years when I was a young non-local student in Forlì. After a long period of motherhood, I decided to go on unemployment to have the time and peace of mind to dedicate myself to my daughter. Quite unexpectedly, while talking with Annalisa, I found out that a position had opened up as a part-time office manager. It seemed perfect for me to start living again and also reclaim some of my life while continuing to be a mom.

How did it feel to start working again?

Starting work again marked the beginning of a new chapter in my life. Reconnecting with friendly faces and meeting new ones was refreshing. As I took care of the secretary’s office, I quickly got to know most of my colleagues, and I must admit, it was a lot of fun. After a few months, I was offered a change of job to focus more closely on mobility, particularly handling all the documentation needed for an Erasmus project. I accepted this proposal with great enthusiasm, as a challenge and an opportunity for growth. 

So now what are your main tasks? Which ones do you find most challenging and rewarding?
Now, I am part of the Mobility Administration team, a small team within a much larger one – perhaps the largest one – which is the Mobility Coordinators team. It may sound boring, but there is nothing more challenging than trying to get your work done on time and on schedule. Contributing to the mission of promoting educational opportunities and supporting student mobility is really rewarding. Plus, it has allowed me to become part of a big family of the Mobility Coordinator team, and meet wonderful people with whom I can share the joys and sorrows of this crazy job. 

Would you like to tell us a bit about your studies? Did you spend a period abroad? 
I studied political science in Forlì with a specialisation in Mass Media and Politics. During university I always traveled for longer or shorter periods but I never I never got part of the Erasmus project, can you believe it? I was a bit afraid of losing time, of getting lost, of not being able! But after I finished university, I said to myself, it was now or never, and so I left and lived for almost a year in Toronto, working and traveling as much as I could throughout Canada. Needless to say, it was one of the most beautiful and formative experiences of my life, but alas, I had left my heart here in Bologna and without too many second thoughts I returned to start building a future together with what later became my husband and father of Beatrice, my daughter.

Talking about travels, what is your dream destination? Anything planned for the next holiday? 

A dream destination? Ah! I would like to go back to Africa and visit the Giraffe Center in Nairobi at least once in my life. You know those pictures where there are people having breakfast with a giraffe coming in through the window? Well, that would be a dream for me! Yes, don’t laugh at me, but I have a great passion for giraffes. The first time I saw a giraffe, I stood watching it for hours and I realized that would be my zodiac sign 😀 But until Bea is old enough, we will continue to take more comfortable trips: we plan to go to Berlin at the end of May; it will be strange to return to a city that has given me so many fun moments with a child… who knows, maybe this time they’ll let us into Berghain!

What do you like to do in your free time? Any hobbies or activities that you would like to share with us? 
I spend most of my free time with my daughter, dancing, going to the library, exploring, and discovering the world together. It is said that when you have a child, you are born again, and it’s true! Motherhood changed everything about me. It made me softer but stronger. It made life more chaotic but more fulfilled. It made me more determined but able to enjoy the little moments. It has taken away all of my time and given me time well spent. And for that, I am thankful.When I can, I try to dedicate some time to myself to exercise and read, but I must tell the truth, I’m still working on reclaiming my space.

Thanks a lot!


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