Partire con il Servizio Volontario Europeo

sogni dei nuovi orizzonti

Pubblichiamo di seguito alcuni progetti SVE disponibili e vi diamo appuntamento alla riunione informativa che si terrà domani sera, martedì 11 dicembre, alle ore 20 presso il DEMODE’ – circolo Arci, in viale Spazzoli 51, Forlì.


2010-DE-78: a youth information centre in Ravensburg. The volunteer will work in the information centre, prepare, research and give out information to interested youngsters, accompany us to fairs and events and help us in various projects. S/he will also take over our cultural café, where youngsters from abroad doing an EVS, volunteer service, Aupair etc. in Ravensburg can meet. As our work is based on the German language, at least basic knowledge of German is required. DATES: 01.10.2013 – 31.07.2014 (ten months)

2010-DE-229: working with disabled youngsters in residential groups, a school for youngsters with learning disabilities and in free time activities. The volunteer should be comfortable working with disabled people, the project is also located in a rural area. No requirements on language or previous experience. DATES: 01.05.2013 – 30.04.2014 (twelve months, we are flexible on the dates and can also start one or two months later).


Location: Humenné, Slovakia
Deadline: 10/01/2013
Start: 15/05/2013
End: 31/12/2013

The Centre of leisure time in Humenné is a governamental institution which has the main aim to prepare activities and interesting courses that children and youngsters, between 6-30, can attend in their free time.
The volunteer´s role will consist in cooperation with workers in organization.–urgently


Volunteers will participate in the following places:
Residence “Casado del Alisal” Our volunteers will participate in a community with about 115 residents and the support of a physical therapist, an occupational therapist and the municipal social assistant in an exchange of experiences and mutual enrichment. The aim is that the elderly people see them as an image of Europe and that volunteers know about another social, rural and generational reality.
Kindergarden The City Council counts with staff for this centre. There is 1 class for children between 0 and 3 years who participate in an educational and assitance service throughout the year.
Toy library: a place for children aged between 4 and 12 years to play and learn through different workshops and activities. It opens once a week between September and June and every day in Summer, alternating with open-air activities.

4 EVS Volunteers required for Homeless Sector Vacancies
Depaul Northern Ireland is a charity who works with homeless and other disadvantaged
groups. We have two European Voluntary Service hosting projects in Belfast (UK) and seek 4 motivated volunteers in total. Action 2 Deadline: 1st February 2013

Depaul NI Stella Maris Project 2010-GB-40
Activity Starts: from 1st July 2013
Duration: 11 months
Project: A residential homeless project for adults with alcohol addiction. Service users can consume alcohol on the premises under the ethos of Harm Minimization (working with the
individual to reduce alcohol related harm). Service users may have mental
and physical health problems as a result of their drinking.
Volunteers: 2 patient and motivated volunteers required for organizing and initiating social involvement and activities in the project. For example: games; music (we have assorted
instruments); photography; arts & crafts, gardening, health promotion etc. Our service users do have addiction and mental health problems so volunteers may face challenges such as apathy and working with people with chaotic lifestyles and low self esteem.

Depaul NI Homeless Families Project 2010-GB-41
Activity Starts: from 1st July 2013
Duration: 11 months
Project: Two residential projects for homeless families. Service users may have suffered from family breakup, domestic violence or displacement. Parents may be very young themselves and
have little life experience.
Volunteers: 2 patient and motivated volunteers required for organizing and initiating social involvement and activities for parents and their children (ages can range from babies to
teenagers). Service users live in their own self contained apartments within the building so volunteers are required to provide activities to encourage service users to socialize and gain new skills and experiences. Activities could include: arts & crafts; games and quizzes; organizing trips out; children’s activities; “life skills” such as basic cookery; health promotion such as good mental health or basic keep fit etc. Many of the children in the project may be below 3 years of age.

This can be challenging volunteer work so please advise all interested volunteers to read our project information carefully before completing the Depaul Northern Ireland EVS application form.


Location: Uulu village, Estonia
Deadline: 23/12/2012
Start: 01/09/2013
End: 31/05/2014

The Culture and Sport Centre of Uulu (Uulu KSK) arranges culture and sport courses and hobby courses work in Tahkuranna paris. It also arranges free time of the peole who live in the paris and different events like Woman`s day, name day of Tahkuranna paris, christmas parties, children protect day, summer camps, younster`s diskos, concerts and so on. Uulu KSK also deals with youth work – open youth centre isi n the same house.

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Location: Tallinn, Estonia
Deadline: 23/12/2012
Start: 01/09/2013
End: 31/05/2014

Mutionu Kindergarten offers everyday work experience with children, basic knowledge on pedagogy and get practical examples on how to apply value education in every day situations. Volunteer will get the chance to be a team member in our daily activities as well as in organising Kindergartens’ annual events alongside previously mentioned she/he will also learn Estonian in its natural environment. Overall we would like to share experiences on primary school education in Estonia and in volunteers’ home country.
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Organisation: Estonian Special Youth Work Organisation
Location: Tallinn, Estonia
Deadline: 23/12/2012
Start: 01/09/2013
End: 31/05/2014

noOR is unique youth organization for bringing together mainstream youth as well as disabled youth for common activities. Our activities range from awareness campaigns on inclusion topics to workshops on different inclusion methods as well as self expression tools, main aim of the activities are to give voice for youth with different backgrounds and their ideas. Our long term volunteer would be integrated noOR’s everyday work which will give her/him the chance to develop her/himself in workshop planning, implementing staged; project management; volunteers’ management; new technology use in NGO work; working with different target groups.
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Host: Care Center Käo:
Location: Tallinn, Estonia
Deadline: 23/12/2012
Start: 01/09/2013
End: 31/05/2014

Day Care Centre Käo started its activities in autumn 1996. Day Care Centre Käo is municipal institution of Tallinn. Initially Käo Centre was only concentrating to work with children until the age of 18.
Day Care Centre’s and Käo Lastekeskus main goal is to offer different activities for severely and profoundly mentally and multiply handicapped adults and children. These activities are meant to support and develop their abilities (physical, cognitive, communicative, social, everyday skills) for coping in everyday life as much as possible. One aim of the service also to give possibility for the parents to work, rest or for other needed activities.
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Location: Tallinn, Estonia
Deadline: 23/12/2012
Start: 01/09/2013
End: 31/05/2014

The Muumipere (Moomin Family) Creche is a small day care facility in the centre of Tallinn, with two classes for 1 to 3 years old. Altogether, they take care of 40 children.
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Location: Tallinn, Estonia
Deadline: 23/12/2012
Start: 01/09/2013
End: 31/05/2014

TCBDP was founded in 1997 with the aim of representing and protecting disabled people interests at a local level. At the moment, it is an umbrella organisation for 22 institutions and, of the 24 000 disabled people living in Tallinn, approximately 4700 families are included in these organisations.
TCBDP supports its member organisations activities and organises cooperation with Tallinn City Government, several city and state agencies, non-profit organisations and private enterprises in order to create equal opportunities for disabled people in society and to raise their life quality.
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Location: Haljala, Estonia
Deadline: 23/12/2012
Start: 01/09/2013
End: 31/05/2014

Haljala Noortekeskus was established in 2002 by youth living in the area to create educational activities for their free time. Main aim of the organisation is to provide various workshops for youth so that they could spend their leisure time in active and creative way and the staff is composed for the workers and a local volunteer group. Workshops are designed to prepare the youth to become social and active citizens. Youth centre organises events on topics like environment, health care, culture and social theatre workshops are held to develop problem solving skills. All the activities take into account the true needs of youth and take into account the general legislation. Youth centre is based on the idea of open space meaning that everybody in between the age 16 to 26 is invited to participate in the activities held by the centre.
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Location: Viljandi, Estonia
Deadline: 23/12/2012
Start: 01/07/2013
End: 30/06/2014
MTÜ Singel Kodu is offering supported living service in Viljandi social house for the 15 mentally disabled people and people with psychological illnesses.
The main task is to help disabled people and the stuff in their daily activities and organising different activities and workshops for the clients.
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Location: Tudulinna village, Estonia
Deadline: 23/12/2012
Start: 01/09/2013
End: 31/05/2014

NGO Maria ja lapsed situates in Tudulinna parish, which is located in East-Estonia in Ida-Viru county.
As Tudulinna is rather small community, then EVS volunteers work will be connected with all community and most likely will directly or indirectly influence majority of the population.
Volunteer will work with 2 different target groups:
children and young people in the Orphanage
youngsters in local school
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Location: Tallinn, Estonia
Deadline: 23/12/2012
Start: 01/09/2013
End: 31/05/2014

Folie is a circus studio that works mainly in two places: Salme Culture Centre and Nõmme Culture Centre. People in Folie are professional trainers in expressive arts and Folie is a circus studio one of a kind in Estonia. We practice new circus form and are very much dedicated in our work. Volunteer who will be part of our team will get a chance to work in a small and motivated group of people who are dedicated to develop Estonian circus scene.
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Location: Elva, Estonia
Deadline: 23/12/2012
Start: 01/09/2013
End: 31/05/2014

Elva Orphanage is a public body maintained by local municipality and attends children all over Estonia and mostly Tartu county and south counties (Võru and Valga).
Main activities of the organisation are daily care for the kids, art and acting workshops, excursions, planned visits to museums, exhibitions.

Location: Schaan/Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Deadline: 10/12/2012
Start: 01/05/2013
End: 31/10/2013

Benefactum runs a house in the capital of Liechtenstein, Vaduz. The volunteer will be partly based in the Benefactum house and partly in private places. The volunteer has an office desk, internet access etc. and a key to the Benefactum house. The house provides a cellar for concerts, a kitchen for lunches, a meeting room, storage room and attic-room for art working. The house has a bathroom with shower.

The volunteer will be engaged in several projects which are run by Benefactum. The volunteering work will be pretty diverse. The home base will be the Benefactum house. Often projects are planned and organised at the Benefactum house but will take place somewhere else.

REPUBBLICA CECA – progetto Last minute!!
2012-CZ-46 We are currently looking for 1 volunteer from the European Union who can start immediately in January.
Volunteer for language activities: for 1 volunteer (project 9 to 12 months, starts on 7.1.2013). The volunteer will: * Work with children and youth groups in classes under the leadership of a language education specialist. * Be part of a team responsible for teaching English to adults of all levels. * Work on different projects in the frame of Youth in Action – writing and management of projects. * Work on spontaneous, occasional events, and summer camps. *

Work in the youth club in Decko. The youth club is a space for the
spontaneous activities of youths. The club also acts as an information
centre for youths. * Have space to create a project on his/her own project, bringing in new ideas. If you are interested please send an email with a letter of motivation, CV photo and Skype name to Best regards, Katerina Hiebschova.

2011-DK-17 Café Utopia
High profile café for people with mental diseases
o Send your application between 1st of November and 20th of December 2012
o Activity start: June 2013 or later
o Length: 10 months

2011-DK-26 Gammel Elmegaard
Museum and cafe.
o Send your application between 1st of November and 20th of December 2012
o Activity start: June 2013
o Length: 3 months

2009-DK-17 Øhavets Smakkecenter
Centre that provides nature and cultural experiences to students and tourists
o Send your application between 1st of November and 20th of December 2012
o Activity start: August 2013
o Length: 12 months

2010-DK-13 Kindergarten Sunshine
Kindergarten for children at the age 3-6
o Send your application between 1st of November and 20th of December 2012
o Activity start: August 2013
o Length: 9 months

2011-DK-34 Aadum Idrætsbørnehave og SFO
o Send your application between 1st of November and 20th of December 2012
o Activity start: August 2013
o Length: 9 months

2012-DK-5 Ungdomsskolen Kolding
o Send your application between 1st of November and 20th of December 2012
o Activity start: May2013
o Length: 9 months


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