Servizio Volontario Europeo: informarsi e partire


La prossima riunione informativa sul Servizio Volontario Europeo si terrà martedì 12 febbraio, alle ore 20.00 presso DEMODE’ – circolo Arci, in viale Spazzoli 51 Forlì, nell’ambito del nostro evento settimanale AperiTandem.

Con la scadenza del 1 Febbraio alle porte tanti progetti stanno cercando volontari! Ne troverete alcuni di seguito.

Stiamo inoltre ancora cercando un sostituto per un progetto di animazione con disabili a Valencia, presso l’associazione BONA GENT( Scriveteci il prima possibile a se interessati!!


Progetto con anziani a bembini a Baltanàs:

Ayuda en la Residencia de Ancianos, actividades de animación,acompañamientos, ayudar a comer Guardería, actividades con niños de 0-3 años Escuela de Verano, actividades en julio y agosto con niños (5 a 11 años) Actividades extraescolares, actividades escuela adultos.


Main activities: Social activities in Residence of elderly people or Cultural and Educational activities (Library, Telecentre, special events and summer activities).


The Fundació Autònoma Solidaria is located in the Campus of the Universidad Autónoma of Barcelona. One of its aims is to raise awareness about values of solidarity, tolerance, coexistence, freedom and justice among the university community (conformed by over 40,000 people, counting students, professors and administration and service staff). Therefore, a large part of the volunteering activities will take place in the University Campus, in order to raise the voluntary participation of this community and awareness to this collective on subjects like the underprivileged situation of the developing countries, the environmental problems or the need to promote equality of opportunities in benefit of groups such as people with disabilities or people in penitentiary centers, among other.

GRECIA – progetto già approvato per ragazzo/a italiano/a!!

Support to mental health users for social rehabilitation/ social inclusion


The Language and Cultural Centre is looking for volunteers from European and Neighbouring countries and it is foreseen that volunteers will work together at the Language and Cultural Centre “World at our home”. They will help each other to fulfill their daily tasks and realise their own ideas in order to aid in the provision of information for young people in Rezekne in the area of European awareness.
Our Centre works a lot with international projects and it could be interesting for our EVS volunteers to help us in our daily work; developing new contacts with European organizations in order to strengthen relations between local and people from other European countries. This project will give our volunteers new knowledge and practical experience that can be quite useful for their future.

The Culture House of Rezekne National Societies (CHNS) was founded on April 8th, 2004. The Culture House of Rezekne National Societies is formed with the aim to preserve, integrate and develop the culture of different nations living in Rezekne, to promote the public onsolidation, familiarize the society with the peculiarities of national cultures, to organize the free time of the inhabitants.


The collectif DADOFONIC ( is a sheltered workshop for mentally disabled people who work as professional artists. Currently there are 12 artists with mental disabilities performing arts. Rehearsals, acting exercises, and arts are part of their work. They perform street-, stage and circus shows.


Tools4Change –

Tools 4 Change is a European EVS project, which works towards Youth and Community Development. Within this theme of Development, two volunteer will get the opportunity to live and work in the Netherlands, in the small town of Culemborg, alongside Dutch volunteers, in an effort to learn from each other and to build strong development projects.


Games factory center in Oradea is organizing a summer school program for children 6-11 years from Oradea. We need evs volunteers support in this initiative to help us plan and implement educational indoor and outdoor activities. EVS volunteers will learn to design, plan, implement and evaluate fun and learning activities supervised by educators and trainers.

EVS volunteers will assist ACT Association team in their initiative to promote in Oradea community new ideas such Do it yourself, Reuse and recycle, Home learning, etc. This new program in our community is designed to help parents of children of 0-3 years to make their own toys and games and even more important to encourage parents in home learning activities.


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