Welcome to UNISER, Rachida!

As a 23 year old girl from France, I’ve never learnt Italian, or taken the time to visit before although I live near the French Italian border. But thanks to Calliope (the organization which gave me the opportunity to come here), and thanks to UNISER I get the chance to discover this beautiful country and especially Forlì.

It’s only 3 days I’m here and I already feel like I belong: Italian people are VERY welcoming, I’ve met amazing people from all around the world (Poland, Holland, England, Tunisia, France…) seen some parts of this wonderful city… I still can’t make a complete sentence in Italian but it’s not even a problem. Besides, I’m sure I’ll learn to speak it in no time.

I am so excited to be part of this great adventure that is the European Volunteering Service and I hope that in 9 months, I’ll go back home with a mind full of unforgettable memories.


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