Trovate un progetto ideale per voi e partite!

sogni dei nuovi orizzonti

Stiamo cercando volontari per progetti SVE giá approvati.



REFERENCE : 2012-ES-126  ( 2009-ES-92)

START:   7.05. 2013


OORGANISATION:   Gypsy Secretariat  Foundation ( Department  of  Palencia)

The organisation promotes the full citizenship of gypsy people in the Spanish society.  It tries to give more dignity to the gypsy community in the society, spread his cultural values and to improve its living conditions. The organisation develops 2 main kinds of activities:  1) Direct services to the gypsy community to promote and improve his living conditions and 2) Promotion of full citizenship of gypsy people through cooperation with other social and political organisations, media etc.

ACTIVITIES OF THE VOLUNEER:  Supporting social and educational  activities with  gypsy community. The volunteer will have opportunity to asist trainings conducted by the organisation for the people of gipsy origin,such as classes of school support, professional trainings or new technology classes. The volunteer will also cooperate within the Anti-Discrimination Program that aims to  fight against prejudices and stereotypes that led to the stigmatization of gypsy people.


REFERENCE: 2011-ES-122

VOLUNTEER’S PROFILE: a female volunteer

START: May 2013

ACTIVITIES OF THE VOLUNEER: Social activities in Residence of elderly people or Cultural and Educational activities (Library, Kindergarden, toy-library, schools). Different kind of activities related with culture and education, exhibitions, theatre, recitals, as well as workshops and talks about different subjects. The role of the volunteer will differ according to the time of the year, place and current situation – he will support the Council in activities, campaigns, events, festivals organized.

If you want to learn more, see:


START: May 2013

THEME: Disabilità e animazione giovani

ACTIVITIES OF THE VOLUNEER:  Social activities in different kinds of places. Accompaniment young people with disabilities, supporting them through stimulating activities, such as games, songs, walks etc. Planning, organizing and carrying out special events and outdoor activities. Collaboration with different  organisations and  supporting them with conducting different musical, educational and cultural events.



REFERENCE: 2010-PT-20  – Associação QE

START:  01/04/2013 for 6 months

VOLUNTEER’S PROFILE: male volunteer older than 21 years old

ACTIVITIES OF THE VOLUNEER: activities in the residential house and center for disabled students;

Volunteer work can be carried out in the pedagogical center (supporting technicians and therapists in their daily pedagogical activities (Art workshops, sports activities, professional simulators and therapeutically activities) or in the residential area (supporting  daily activities and  performing leisure activities).

If you are interested, check here:

Note: The volunteers HAVE TO APPLY AT  THE WEBSITE!:

You  have to make a registration first and after follow the steps. The volunteers must join a CV and motivation letter (English, Spanish or Portuguese).

The deadline to receive the applications from your volunteers is 17/2/20


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