Freshly arrived in Italia


Freshly arrived in Italia, my name is Mathilde and I’m a 22 years old French girl. I was born in the Burgundi region near to the big city of Lyon. I’m currently making an EVS in Forli in a rest house named „Casa di Riposo Pietro Zangheri“. Before IMathilde_1 came, I made a bachelor of three years in the management sector. My specialization is social and solidarity economy, which means working with structures such as NGOs or cooperatives.

After those three years of school I decided that it would be great to take a break of my studies, to travel and find something useful to do.
I have always been interested in working with elderly because I was sure that it provides a lot of beautiful learning. Such as exchanges around the different generation lifestyle, helping when they can’t do everything by themselves etc.

I arrived to Italy for more than four weeks ago and I’m really glad about all the things that I discover here. Firstly, the beautiful Italian language, but also the Italian culture, which is very nice. I have been very surprised to see how people are kind and more to see that Italians are like French people. Since I have arrived, I have been treaded very nicely all the time and always helped when I needed it.
When I arrived at the CasaMathilde_2 di Riposo Pietro Zangheri, it was for me the first time to be at the rest home and I was surprised how people are, when they are old! My grand-parents are so different and independent. I also started to learn about the people with whom I’m working, who are all very kind and good in their job, but I also met many elderly who have been so kind to me.

I have to learn fast how to help them to eat, where to go with them etc. but finally I rapidly feel at home when I’m there.
Today, I’m glad to know that I will stay here for few months in my life and also that I will have a rich and beautiful exchanges with them for all this time. I give my time for them and share moments of kindness and mutual learning with them.







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