A special tour

One morning I was in a hurry and decided to take the bus to get sooner to work. Well, Forlì is a small town and it takes half an hour to get to my work place but this day I decided to save some time.

I went to the train station where I had to wait for bus number 6 which goes from the station to Piazza Saffi, the major square in the town.

I got on the bus which was a kind of quite small and funny and I exclaimed: “Wow, che piccolo bus!” (what a small bus!) The driver answered: “Sì, ma un grande autista!” (yes, but a great driver) and in this way we just started our funny conversation:

me: Di dove posso prendere i biglietti? (where can I buy tickets)

he: Qui non ci sono, devi comprarli in una tabaccheria…(I don’t sell them here, you have to buy them from a cigarrette shop…)me: Ok, ma dove si trove questo shop? (ok, and where can I find such a shop)

he: Aspetta, io te lo compro…(wait, I’ll buy it for you…) and then he just jumped off the bus, went to a nearby shop and came back with a ticket.

Meanwhile there were several people gathered inside the bus waiting for the driver.

And Giuseppe suddenly started singing…la la la…not a particular song but just humming which made me smile so I told him:

Ha ha, Lei è molto gentile e divertente (You are very polite and entertaining)

Finally he started to drive. My compliments obviously inspired him even more so he started to drive a little bit in a zig-zag manner. People from the bus started laughing. Then an elderly Italian man looked at me and explained me unequivocally: “Stai attenta con gli Italiani” (be careful with the Italians) and we all laughed…

Finally before getting off the bus I said:

“Quindi Giuseppe, adesso io ho un buon inizio della giornata” (well, Giuseppe, now i have a good start of the day), “grazie e buona giornata” (thank you and have a nice day) and we bid farewell shaking hands.

At the end it was really a very good day!

Juliana from Bulgaria (EVS volunteer at Uniser)


Una risposta a “A special tour”

  1. Avatar Miklós

    It was a nice story. 🙂

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