Open Badges in Europe


Great news about badges! This innovative tools has been mentioned by the Council of EU on their recommendations about “Promoting new approaches in youth work to uncover and develop the potential of young people”.

“To appeal to young people and to ensure greater impact on their lives, new settings where young people spend their time, such as modern city infrastructure and virtual space, as well as new approaches using innovative online and offline tools (such as gamification, GPS based activities, learning badges or design thinking), should be reflected upon and taken into account in the further development of education and training of youth workers.”

Learning badges are virtual badges which ratify learners achievements. Important companies support this idea, including Mozilla, which created an online platform called Open badges.

This fits well with mobility because it allows to recognise non-formal learning of young people leaving an experience abroad.

Uniser’s R&D Department is working on this topic since 2014 through the European Badge Alliance project, a strategic partnership of organisations active in learning mobility and committed to the recognition of learning achievements using Open digital badges.

Each learning outcome acquired during the mobility time abroad can make you earn badges. You can organise your badges into collections and share them everywhere: on your social and professional networks, on-line portfolio and resume (e.g. Europass CV). For employers, organisations and education institutions badges can provide more detailed and contextual information about your learning and achievements.

We are proud to know that Council of European Union recognize the importance of learning badges and we will base on these recommendations our work.


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