Discovering FICO, the largest agri-food park in the world

We have been pleased to have had 21 guys from Newcastle (England), the city known for the “geordie accent”, in Bologna (Italy). They have been doing a short placement in different companies related with their studies. Some were studying painting, decorating, beauty therapy, construction, carpentry, joinery…all coming from Newcastle College. We were able to see such a different range of interests!

Cultural Visit at Fico

This young group of English guys stayed in the Emilia Romagna region for 2 weeks. It can be a short period but 2 weeks is enough to discover a little bit this Italian region, try some of the typical dishes and come back to Newcastle with a general idea of how things work in Italy. Also, come back to the cold typical English weather after having enjoyed some sunny days!

UNISER, the hosting company, helped them through all the process, finding them the companies and moreover preparing some cultural activities like a trip to Florence or a visit to FICO.

Some of you might be thinking, what is FICO? FICO is set in Bologna, and to say it simple: is a very large mall dedicated to food. To be more concise: it’s the largest agri-food park in the world.

Cultural Visit at Fico

So, what this group of young people from England can learn visiting this type of place? Easy.

You can discover different sort of things: Italian agriculture by visiting 2 hectares of open-air fields and stables housing more than 200 animals and 2000 cultivars. You can also visit the 40 farming factories to observe how different aliments (cheese, oil, beer…) are processed. After walking and visiting all of this, it’s normal to be hungry, but don’t worry because there are over 40 restaurants where you can satisfy your appetite.

Cultural Visit at Fico

There’s always space for learning new things also. You can explore the 6 different types of educational “rides” (Fire, Earth, Sea, Animals, Bottled Goods and the Future) or attend to some of the events and classes that FICO held. Are you tired of walking that much? We have a solution for that too. You can take a bike, for free, to be able to see the park from another perception and to let your legs rest a bit.

To sum up, if you go to FICO, you will be able to experience, learn and discover the typical Italian cuisine.

Cultural Visit at Fico


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