TRAPP (TRaining for APPrentices) project has been officially launched!

Funded by Erasmus +, TRAPP (TRaining for APPrentices) is a cooperation project for innovation and exchange of good practices (Key Action 2).

This project will allow the partnership of 6 organizations from 4 different countries (France, Italy, Finland and Germany) to work together for the next 2 years to facilitate, secure and promote long-term mobility for professional trainings during and after apprenticeship. This would also facilitate the recognition of the mobility by implementing a european certification (first in 2 specific fields: hairstyling and automobile).

This project will include 8 mobility of apprentices (2 from each country) to implement the results achieved and confirm the ability to reproduce the project Europe wide.


Why is Uniser taking part to the project?

TRAPP project is really important to us as Erasmus Pro mobility is a fundamental focus for Uniser services development in order to be at the forefront of learning mobility. Due to the lack of a proper dual system in Italy, this type of mobility is not frequent. Thanks to the VET charter last year we were the only organization providing Erasmus Pro grants for on-training apprentices, as most of the time these mobility are done by graduated apprentices. In 2019 we organized 30 mobility thanks to the cooperation with companies and training centers and in 2020 we would like to increase these numbers and further develop our expertise.

This project will provide a legislative and organizational framework that will facilitate Erasmus Pro mobility during training periods and enhance their quality and recognition, providing a better experience for our learners.

Who are the other partners?

Chamber of Crafts of the Rhône (France) is taking the lead on the project and will be responsible for its management. The Chamber of Crafts is a public establishment run by elected craft company leaders and is responsible for representing the general interests of craftsmanship with the public authorities. It also provides public service missions essential to the structuring of crafts and business development.

Lyon’s Rectorat (France) is the local authority of education in the academy of Lyon. They are taking part in this project to continue to intensify its development strategy on the European level. It is also a great asset to have them involved directly in TRAPP as they are in charge of validating new recognition of experiences and diploma in France.

SEPR (France) is a school for professional trainings and counts more than 3500 students. For more than 30 years the school has been implementing an international policy in order to enhance its mobility and enable each of its students to live an experience abroad.

OMNIA (Finland) is a multi-sector education provider that offers young and adult people upper secondary vocational education and training, apprenticeship training, general upper secondary education and youth workshop training as well as non-formal education courses. In vocational trainings they count more than 8000 students.

BHWH (Germany) is a semi-public association that has several offices in Germany. They manage mobility for schools and are involved in promoting mobility and intercultural training in training institutions. They work a lot with slightly vulnerable targets.

Visit TRAPP Facebook page if you wanna know more.


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