VG + Project: new training opportunities for Swedish students

The project Västra Götaland’s students on Erasmus + for the competences of tomorrow (VG+), a two-year mobility project, comes alive.

The first 30 students from Kunskapsförbundet Väst and Drottning Blankas schools will leave next February 2020, for the following destinations: Derry (UK), Forlì (ITALY) and Seville (SPAIN).

The project, headed by the municipality of Vanersborgs, provides a three-week internship abroad for 100 students from the two schools in partnership, divided into three different rounds of departure: February 2020 – October 2020 and February 2021.

The students selected will have the opportunity to put into practice the skills and abilities acquired during their course of study, in 7 different European destinations:

VG + project has itself a double meaning: it allows students to demonstrate their individual and professional abilities, during an experience abroad shared with other participants.


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