Ultimi sviluppi e prossimi passi: il II Transnational Meeting di Intervet WB

Il 30 settembre si è tenuto online il secondo Transnational Meeting di Intervet Western Balkans, il progetto di cui Uniser è capofila che ha come obiettivo quello di creare opportunità di mobilità per l’apprendimento nei paesi dei Balcani occidentali: Albania, Bosnia&Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Repubblica della Macedonia del Nord e Serbia.

Durante l’incontro, i partner del progetto sono stati aggiornati sui recenti sviluppi e hanno avuto la possibilità di discutere sulla qualità e la disseminazione del progetto, ma anche sui prossimi passi previsti, come descritto nel resoconto completo dell’evento.

On September 30th an online meeting was held to check the status of the Intervet Western Balkans project and what are the prospects for the future. The meeting was held by Uniser and attended by all the partners and organizations of the consortium, from several European and Balkan states.

In the first part, the focus was on the progress of the project in the last months. It is clear that the pandemic emergency has led to necessary changes in the methods of organizing and carrying out the planned project activities. More specifically, the closure of borders and companies, the lockdown that involved all Europe have had inevitable repercussions on the original planning, asking for an adaptation of work and activities, which have been conducted online.

Among the activities carried out online successfully, we can include:

  • the first Transnational Meeting as the kick off of INTERVET WB,
  • all the activities of the Training Assignments, dedicated to the training of the sending and receiving bodies 
  • the first Thematic Team event organized by EfVET
  • the Summer School dedicated to staff and professors of VET schools, both European and Balkan.

At present, the organisation of the Job shadowing activities for the winners of the first call for school staff and teachers has been suspended, but hopefully it will be possible to organize it at Da Vinci College during the spring of next year.

During the meeting  the quality of the organized activities was highlighted, as well as the importance of the commitment shown by everyone during this delicate and uncertain period. In support of this point, the Quality Manager of Intervet reported an analysis of the quality of the project obtained from the monitoring activities carried out over the months. From the various questionnaires, the high degree of satisfaction with the activities carried out, both on the part of the organizers and the participants, was evident.

After much reflection and discussion, it was decided to ask the EU Commission for an extension of the length of the project, in order to be able to realize all project activities when the pandemic emergency will be under control. At the same time, Uniser will take care of the reorganization of the schedules for the calls and the mobilities and will communicate it to the consortium in a timely manner.

At the end of the meeting EfVET provided an overview of the dissemination activities that have been made during the last months and gave a few useful tips to all partners for the near future.

To sum up, thanks to the commitment of all partners, Intervet is going forward and it is taking the difficulties of this uncertain time as a challenge for progress and innovation!


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