INTERVET WB Mobilities – from Kosovo to Maribor

A group of trainees from Kosovo was hosted by our partner ZNI – Zavod za Novodobno Izobraževanje in the framework of our project Intervet Western Balkans. Upon completion of the mobility, they told us how the experience went.

«The project Intervet Western Balkans plans on creating opportunities for learning mobility in the training centres of Western Balkans and tends to improve the culture of learning mobility in the field of VET. Intervet Western Balkans has two objectives: the project allows participants to have better access to resources related to international training mobility, and participants learn more about already existing opportunities.

In the framework of the Intervet Western Balkans project, Institute for New Age Education (ZNI) already hosted a second group in 2021, this time from Kosovo. Their learning mobility lasted from 4th of October until 2nd of November 2021. Sending organisation of the group was Prishtina REA and the project was coordinated by our long term partner, Uniser Società Cooperativa Sociale Onlus from Bologna, Italy.

Students Arb, Arberesh, Aldin, Adnit, Gjergj and Valon arrived to Maribor from Vienna Airport on 4th of October. They were accompanied by their tutor Blend. The group had 4 days of preparation which included many activities: presentation of Mobility program and getting to know each other at the ZNI office, Safety at work course at IVD centre, Interview simulation workshop, presentation of Slovenia and visiting National Liberation Museum with a Guided city tour: What can Maribor offer me?

Our mobility coordinator and their mentor, Patricia Hrnčić, was guiding and mentoring the group through their mobility in Maribor. As a part of mobility programme activities, the group went on a trip to Pohorje hill, must see hiking spot in Maribor, where they had an opportunity to get to know each other better and spend quality time in nature.

Practical trainings for the students were organised by ZNI mobility coordinator Rebeka Čeh in different companies in Maribor. Students were placed in the following companies: production and trade company Bazar Babič & Lujič d.o.o., website agency IT Melona, IT company Solviks d.o.o., car repair company Avto Jarc d.o.o. and hotel company 5 START d.o.o. In the companies the students had been given the opportunity to develop, both personally and professionally, and had improved their knowledge in different fields.

The main goal of this mobility was to encourage students to learn, as well as socialise and meet new people. Students spent their free time going around Maribor, walking by the Drava river and going to the city park. They loved spending time outside and exploring the city as much as they could. Students expressed that living in Maribor was much more different – in a good way – from being back home in Kosovo, so they also learned how it is to live in a culturally different country than theirs. All students improved their English and communication skills and as a group bonded amazingly well.


All students expressed thankfulness for the opportunity to work in a country with different culture and work ethic than theirs. Students were open to learn about work, but also about Slovenian culture and language. With mobilities like this we want to promote diversity and overcome barriers that may exist between us. These are the main objectives of ZNI, but also the reasons why we do this job and why we love it.

Aldin Gajtani: I really like this place (Maribor), it is beautiful. I enjoy working in IT Melona because it is an opportunity for me.

Adnit Kameri: I am happy to be here. I work in Pohorje village and I am thankful for opportunities for me and for my friends. I think this country is beautiful and I am having great experience.

Gjergj Qeriqi: This is a 10 out of 10 experience for me. I met new friends and had amazing mentor and coworkers in Solviks. Maribor is a beautiful place and it was great to have an opportunity to come here and be part of this mobility.»


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