KA2 project TRAPP selected as good practice!

As project partners, we’re proud to announce that our KA2 project TRAPP – TRaining for APPrentices has been awarded with the Erasmus + “Good practice” label!

But what does this mean?
The “Good practice” label is awarded to Erasmus + projects after the qualitative assessment and verification of the financial management of the project. According to criteria provided by the European Commission, this final evaluation is based on the relevance, the quality of the implementation, the impact observed and the dissemination of the results produced.

Which were the results of TRAPP?

TRAPP partners worked together for more than 2 years to develop innovative tools and solutions to facilitate, secure and promote long-term mobility of apprentices in Europe. These tools have been organized in 4 Intellectual Outputs:  

IO 1 – Clarifying and securing the legal framework for the apprentices abroad

IO2 – Ensuring an equivalent presence in human resources

IO 3 – Guaranteeing the continuity of the apprentice’s educational path during the mobility

IO 4 – Valorization of the professional skills acquired during a mobility 

Tested during the implementation of 5 pilot mobilities in the hairdressing and car mechanic sector, these solutions sought to provide answers to the main obstacles to longterm mobility of apprentices, encountered by European mobility coordinators and VET centres.

Who were the targeted audiences?

People involved in the project were not only apprentices, but also professional organizations (professional training organizations, companies and business networks interested in the mobility of apprentices), political and public authorities.


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