The Transnational Meeting of MOB4ALL in Genoa

On 9 and 10 March 2023, members of our staff Cecilia and Laura attended the Transnational Meeting of MOB4ALL-Innovative measures to enhance International mobility for special-needs students which took place in Genoa.

MOB4ALL is a project funded under the Erasmus+ programme (KA2 Strategic Partnerships) seeking to promote the transnational mobility of students with special needs through the capacity building of the different actors who can support these students in the context of international mobility for educational purposes.

On the first day, partners were welcomed by the staff of University of Genoa and were introduced to the Disfor Department, the International programmes of the university, the work of office for Students with disability and Specific learning disorders and the activities of UNIGE UTLC Teaching and Learning Centre, Inclusive learning section.

After the welcome, Incoma provided updates about Intellectual Output n.3 of the project: Guidelines for Mobility Officers, Academic and Non-Academic Staff, and Tutor Students. A structure for drafting the guidelines was discussed, always bearing in mind that the structure and steps to be followed in managing a mobility are considered “best practice ideal” to be followed and that each mobility provider using this tool will adapt it to its own reality and procedures.

Later on, Intellectual Output n. 2 was discussed: Specialised Training Course: Training for Better Integration of Mobility Participants with Disabilities. Université Côte d’Azur facilitated the session, which focused on the advancements in prototyping the course.

The first part of the second day was dedicated to elaborating IO3 guidelines and assessing the present situation, with each partner providing comments and updates.

Later on, a workshop was organised to review the Moodle course. Participants were divided in 5 groups and they worked to test each one of the course modules and provide feedback and suggestions. Finally, the consortium discussed sustainability and dissemination issues, including the organisation of multiplier events.

Many thanks to all partners involved:


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