Autore: unsblg_adm

  • Job vacancy: Erasmus+ Project writer

    UNISER, a social enterprise based in Bologna, Italy, and with operational headquarters in Barcelona and Zaragoza is looking for a EU project writer to join its team starting immediately. About Uniser Uniser is a social enterprise which supports the internationalisation of educational institutions. Our aim is to turn Erasmus into the future of training systems…

  • It’s time to train the trainers! With MOB4ALL project in Helsinki

    From 9 to 13 May 2022 we travelled to Helsinki to attend the training event “Training for Better Integration of Mobility Participants with Disabilities”, organised in the context of KA2 project MOB4ALL. Day 1 The event was hosted by project partner Haaga-Helia, one the biggest universities of applied sciences in Finland. After a general overview…

  • 11 romane alla conquista di Granada, con ETHOS II

    Il 20 aprile, 11 ragazze si preparavano a decollare dall’aeroporto di Roma Fiumicino alla volta della Spagna. Destinazione finale? Granada, nel cuore dell’Andalusia. Ad accompagnarle, la nostra Group Leader Cinzia, che le ha guidate e supportate durante tutto il periodo di mobilità. Il gruppo, composto da studentesse di tre istituti professionali di Roma, contava tecniche…

  • Meet the team! – Dynamism, internationality and nerdy stories, here’s Davide

    Let’s continue our journey into getting to know all new Uniser members! Today we’re going to meet Davide, who joined Uniser in November 2021 as a member of the Outgoing team. Hello Davide! How are you? How are things going today, rather busy or perhaps calm? Things are always busy! No but seriously, it’s a…

  • KA2 project TRAPP selected as good practice!

    As project partners, we’re proud to announce that our KA2 project TRAPP – TRaining for APPrentices has been awarded with the Erasmus + “Good practice” label! But what does this mean? The “Good practice” label is awarded to Erasmus + projects after the qualitative assessment and verification of the financial management of the project. According…

  • Nuove amicizie e scoperte a Gastouni, con ETHOS II

    Dal 4 al 27 aprile Anastasia, Charlene, Gabriele, Ginevra, Marianna, Andrea, Nisia, Giorgia, Francesca e Christian hanno fatto una esperienza di mobilità formativa a Gastouni, in Grecia, grazie al progetto Erasmus+ ETHOS II per cui sono stati selezionati. Ecco alcuni racconti delle loro esperienze! AnastasiaQuesta mobilità Erasmus devo dire che per me personalmente è stata…

  • Da Imola a Vilnius grazie a LOWE!

    Per il gruppo con destinazione Vilnius, il progetto Erasmus+ LOWE prende il via l’8 febbraio, molto molto presto: è l’una di notte quando Angelica, Assia, Giada, Fabio, Paolo e Stefano salgono sul pullman che da Imola li porterà a Malpensa, accompagnati dal tutor Marco. Per le prossime settimane, infatti, i ragazzi saranno impegnati in una…

  • The INTERVET WB 3rd TM in Belgrade, Serbia

    On March 22 and 23, 2022, the INTERVET WB 3rd Transnational Meeting took place at the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia. Our INTERVET Western Balkans project is a three-year pilot project for the Internationalisation of vocational education and training systems in the Western Balkans, started in December 2019. The project aims at creating opportunities for…

  • Towards more innovative teaching methodologies in VET – The new KA2 project IMECH+

    What is IMECH+? IMECH+ stands for Innovating MECHanics and mechatronics teaching methodologies for an inclusive VET, a Key Action 2 project aimed at enhancing the cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training. The project was officially launched with the kick off meeting on the 5th and 6th of April and took place in Milan (IT). …

  • Finnish cold? Not a problem! – The 3rd TM of KA2 PRODIGE in Lohja

    On 7th and 8th April, all partners of Erasmus+ KA2 project PRODIGE met in Lohja for the 3rd Transnational Meeting. 5 months from the last meeting in Barcelona, many were the developments to discuss about and to work on during these meeting days. On the first day, we were welcomed at Luksia campus in Lohja…