Autore: unsblg_adm

  • L’Erasmus è sentirsi come a casa e non avere più la voglia di tornare! 

     Il 24 gennaio 2021, grazie al progetto Erasmus+ ELECTRA – ELECtrotechnical TRainings Abroad due gruppi intraprendono una nuova avventura alla scoperta della Spagna.  Ad attenderli c’è Siviglia, una città colorata, mite, ricca di arte e culture diverse, fin dall’antichità. Comincia così questa avventura, tra le strade piene di arance e l’odore d’incenso, i ragazzi iniziano ad…

  • It’s time to take stock of KA2 project TRAPP!

    Funded by Erasmus+ program, TRAPP (TRaining for APPrentices) is a cooperation project for innovation and exchange of good practices (Key Action 2) that is reaching its conclusion. For more than 2 years, TRAPP partners have been developing innovative tools and solutions to facilitate, secure and promote long-term mobility of apprentices in Europe.  Tested during the…

  • Job vacancy: Companies Care Trainee

    UNISER, a social enterprise based in Bologna (Italy) and Wrocław (Poland), is looking for a Companies Care Trainee to join its INCOMING team starting immediately. Uniser is a social enterprise which supports the internationalization of education institutions. Our aim is to turn Erasmus into the future of training systems and to make learning mobility a part…

  • Meet the team! – Crossfit & literature? Here’s Bianca

    In the last months several new staff members have joined our Uniser family and we couldn’t be more excited! We would like to present them to you one by one and get to know them better. Let’s start with Bianca, who arrived at Uniser in September 2021. Hello Bianca and thanks for taking part in…

  • INTERVET WB Mobilities – from Kosovo to Maribor

    A group of trainees from Kosovo was hosted by our partner ZNI – Zavod za Novodobno Izobraževanje in the framework of our project Intervet Western Balkans. Upon completion of the mobility, they told us how the experience went. «The project Intervet Western Balkans plans on creating opportunities for learning mobility in the training centres of…

  • INTERVET WB Mobilities – from Serbia to Maribor

    Our Intervet Western Balkans project continues to advance and during its second year several mobilities were organized, in line with its schedule. The project partner ZNI – Zavod za Novodobno Izobraževanje has told us what it has been like to host a group from Serbia, in the framework of this project. «The project Intervet Western…

  • Vola in Europa come Group Leader!

    La cooperativa Uniser Soc. Coop. Onlus, con sede legale a Bologna, Mura di Porta Galliera 1/2A  P.iva 02622940407 ricerca group leader interessati a fare un’esperienza come accompagnatori per gruppi di studenti delle Scuole Secondarie di secondo grado e dei Centri di Formazione Professionale nell’ambito dei progetti di mobilità Erasmus per la Formazione Professionale verso i…

  • L’esperienza Erasmus in Italia di Carmen Sara

    Dal 13 settembre al 17 dicembre 2021, Carmen Sara ha svolto la sua mobilità formativa in Italia, più precisamente a Bologna. Una volta terminata la sua esperienza ci ha raccontato com’è andata…direttamente in italiano! «Un autore italiano di nome Cesare Pavese disse una volta: “non ricordiamo i giorni, ricordiamo i momenti” . È passato quasi un…

  • Job vacancy: Participants Mentor

    UNISER, a social enterprise based in Bologna, Italy and with an operational headquarter in Barcelona and Zaragoza is looking for a participants mentor to join its team starting from mid-February 2022. About Uniser  Uniser is a social enterprise which supports the internationalization of education institutions. Our aim is to turn Erasmus into the future of…

  • Job vacancy: Secretariat Services Officer

    Uniser is a social enterprise based in Bologna, Italy, which supports the internationalization of education institutions. Our aim is to turn Erasmus into the future of training systems and to make learning mobility a part of educational programs by facilitating its processes. Today more than 300 schools in Europe cooperate with Uniser for the design…