Autore: unsblg_adm

  • Questa non è Ibiza…ma il nostro Erasmus a Fuerteventura!

    Il 12 settembre 9 ragazzi grazie all’accreditamento Erasmus+ dell’I.S.I.SLeonardo da Vinci partono da Cesenatico alla scoperta delle Canarie, approdando a Fureteventura, un’isola che vive di turismo e quale migliore  opportunità di lavorare e mettere in pratica tutto quello ogni giorno studiano a scuola.  L’Erasmus raccontato attraverso un gioco di parole di cui i ragazzi ne hanno…

  • Brewing Connections: “A Coffee with Uniser Members” 

    A new initiative has recently been launched at Uniser, with the objective of getting to know its members better. But who are the members of a cooperative and why are they so important? Members of a social cooperative are the individuals who actively participate in and contribute to the cooperative’s activities, operations, and decision-making processes.…

  • Find yourself with Erasmus – my Portuguese experience

    Giorgio, Laura, Anna, Isabella, Marco and Mariella are six students from the Istituto Salesiano Don Bosco di Brescia who had the opportunity to spend a month of mobility in Coimbra thanks to their school’s Erasmus+ Accreditation. They were hosted by our partner Mondego and during their mobility or at the end of it, the students…

  • Meet the team! – Here’s Marco, the “wow person” of the group

    Hello Marco! I know you’ve been waiting for some time for this interview, well here we are! Let’s start easy: who are you, how did you come in contact with Uniser and when? Heyoooo! My name is Marco, I’m 25 and I’m from Centallo, a small town in southern Piemonte. After a life of scientific…

  • Uncovering the dynamic vibe of Coimbra

    Giorgio, Laura, Anna, Isabella, Marco and Mariella are six students from the Istituto Salesiano Don Bosco di Brescia who had the opportunity to spend a month of mobility in Coimbra thanks to their school’s Erasmus+ Accreditation. They were hosted by our partner Mondego and during their mobility or at the end of it, the students…

  • Vola a Varsavia come osservatore elettorale!

    UNISER, cooperativa sociale con sede a Bologna, Italia, e con sedi operative in Spagna e Polonia, è partner del progetto “The eye of the voter”, co-finanziato dal Programma Erasmus+. Nell’ambito del progetto è aperta una call rivolta a ragazzi e ragazze tra i tra i 18 ed i 26 anni, interessati ad acquisire competenze linguistiche…

  • New job opening! – Accounting intern

    UNISER, a social enterprise based in Bologna, Italy and with operational headquarters in Spain and Poland, is offering an internship position to join the accounting and finance team, starting from October 2023. ABOUT UNISERUniser is a social enterprise which supports the internationalisation of education institutions. Our aim is to turn Erasmus into the future of…

  • Meet the team! – Getting to know Bruno and his contagious enthusiasm

    Hello Bruno and thanks for taking part in this interview! Let’s start with a few info about yourself: where are you from? Where are you living now?   Hello Uniser family and thank you for this opportunity! Well, well! I am from the birthplace of Simon Bolivar (El Libertador) where you can know the incredible biodiversity…

  • “Un Erasmus ti cambia, ma alla fine del viaggio sei ancora tu”

    Grazie all’Accreditamento Erasmus+ della Fondazione Gramsci, tre ragazzi sono partiti per un intenso viaggio di 3 mesi a Granada, ospitati dal nostro partner MEP Europrojects. Di seguito, un intensa riflessione su quest’esperienza. “Una semplice scelta può cambiarti totalmente? O è il modo in cui tracci e percorri la tua strada a farlo? Scopriamolo insieme. Un…

  • iMECH+ training events to deepen knowledge in mechanics and much more!

    Last March 2023, in Aranjuez (ES), the second  training event of the KA2 project iMECH+ was held, hosted by Colegio Loyola.  The partner organisations involved were, besides us: Salesiani Lombardia per la formazione ed il lavoro – CNOS-FAP (coordinator of the project), Axxell Utbildning AB, Georg-Schlesinger-Schule, Campus des métiers et des qualifications microtechniques et systèmes…