Autore: unsblg_adm

  • Erasmus+ school mobility in action: KA2 Mob@act kicks off in Kaunas

    On 17 and 18 January 2023 we took part in the kick-off meeting of newly approved project Mob@act, which is financed under the Key Action 2 – Cooperation partnerships in school education of Erasmus+ programme. Project partners met for the first time in Kaunas, hosted by Kauno International Gymnasium at Kaunas Education Innovation Centre. The…

  • Meet the team! – Michał and his passion for Central Asia

    Let’s continue our journey into getting to know better the colleagues who have joined Uniser team in the last months. Today we focus on the Poland-based team with Michał, who will tell us a bit about himself and his role in the team, which he joined a little more than a year ago. I’ve been…

  • INTERVET WB 3rd webinar on Erasmus+ accreditations

    On the 15th of December 2022, our office for the development of the Western Balkans successfully organised one more Webinar – Support in preparing and developing ERASMUS + KA122 applications for all interested organisations and institutions in Serbia.  This development opportunity is a part of Uniser initiative to support schools in their internationalisation of school…

  • Diventa Group Leader e parti per l’Europa!

    La cooperativa Uniser Soc. Coop. Onlus, con sede legale a Bologna, Mura di Porta Galliera 1/2A  P.iva 02622940407 ricerca group leader interessati a fare un’esperienza come accompagnatori per gruppi di studenti delle Scuole Secondarie di secondo grado e dei Centri di Formazione Professionale nell’ambito dei progetti di mobilità Erasmus per la Formazione Professionale verso i Paesi dell’Unione…

  • Warming up the engines: KA2 project Di-struct is ready to kick off!

    From January 24th to 25th 2023, the first operative meeting of Di-struct project – Restructuring subjects by digitalising VET – will take place in Lyon (FR) at the Chambre de Métiers et de l’Artisanat Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (CMA Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes) where we will partecipate together with ENSINUS VET centre (Portugal), NGO Magyar Digitalis OktatasertEgyesület – MDOE (Hungary) and…

  • New job opening! KA1 Project manager – Poland

    UNISER, a social enterprise based in Bologna (Italy) and Wrocław (Poland), is looking for a project manager KA1 VET, to join its team starting immediately. About UNISER Uniser is a social enterprise which supports the internationalisation of education institutions. Our aim is to turn Erasmus into the future of training systems and to make learning mobility…

  • Those will be the best memories! Il nostro Erasmus in Francia

    Grazie ai progetti Erasmus+ Accreditamento Versari-Macrelli e Accreditamento Uniser 2021, ad inizio ottobre 15 giovani studenti ed il loro Group Leader partono da Bologna verso Bordeaux, per poi dirigersi a La Force dove il partner francese MFR è pronto ad accoglierli. Questa è la storia della loro indimenticabile esperienza di un mese in Francia, raccontataci…

  • Meet the team! – Unique Erasmus vibes from Giulia

    Lately new colleagues have joined our team so we’re interviewing them to know a bit more about each other! Last time it was Agnes’s turn, today Giulia will tell us a bit about her. Let’s start! Hello Giulia and thanks for taking part in this interview! Can you introduce yourself a bit?My name is Giulia…

  • Internship position to join the Hosting Dept.

    UNISER, a social enterprise based in Bologna, Italy, is offering an internship position to join the hosting department.  ABOUT UNISER Uniser is a social enterprise which supports the internationalization of education institutions. Our aim is to turn Erasmus into the future of training systems and to make learning mobility a part of educational programs by…

  • Mira Sofia! L’Accreditamento Erasmus+ Artusi in Bulgaria

    Era l’alba di Sabato 11 Settembre, era l’alba di un nuovo inizio, l’inizio del progetto Accreditamento Erasmus+ Artusi con destinazione Sofia. Quella mattina Angelica, Alex, Antonio, Flavio, Luca, Nicolò, Oumaima, Osvaldo e Samuele (insieme al loro Group Leader Marco) sono partiti dall’aeroporto di Bologna in direzione Sofia, Bulgaria. Nella grande capitale bulgara, i ragazzi e…