Categoria: Intervet WB

  • A week about internationalisation in vocational education in Serbia with INTERVET WB

    A couple of weeks ago we had the opportunity with our training course to embark on a tour to Serbia, visiting the cities of Niš and Belgrade. It was an intense and stimulating experience, filled with meetings and collaborations in the field of internationalisation in the education sector, particularly in the context of programs like…

  • INTERVET WB 3rd webinar on Erasmus+ accreditations

    On the 15th of December 2022, our office for the development of the Western Balkans successfully organised one more Webinar – Support in preparing and developing ERASMUS + KA122 applications for all interested organisations and institutions in Serbia.  This development opportunity is a part of Uniser initiative to support schools in their internationalisation of school…

  • INTERVET WB 2nd webinar on Erasmus+ accreditations

    On the 9th of September, the UNISER office for the development of the Western Balkans organized one more Webinar – Support in preparing and developing ERASMUS + accreditation applications for all interested organizations and institutions in Serbia and North Macedonia. This development opportunity aimed to initiate the exchange of knowledge and experiences on the subject…

  • INTERVET WB webinar on Erasmus+ accreditations

    On the 4th of July, Uniser team for the development of the Western Balkans organized the Webinar – Support in preparing and developing ERASMUS + accreditation applications for all interested organizations and institutions in Serbia. This development opportunity aimed to initiate the exchange of knowledge and experiences on the subject of the Erasmus+ program and…

  • The INTERVET WB 3rd TM in Belgrade, Serbia

    On March 22 and 23, 2022, the INTERVET WB 3rd Transnational Meeting took place at the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia. Our INTERVET Western Balkans project is a three-year pilot project for the Internationalisation of vocational education and training systems in the Western Balkans, started in December 2019. The project aims at creating opportunities for…

  • INTERVET WB Mobilities – from Kosovo to Maribor

    A group of trainees from Kosovo was hosted by our partner ZNI – Zavod za Novodobno Izobraževanje in the framework of our project Intervet Western Balkans. Upon completion of the mobility, they told us how the experience went. «The project Intervet Western Balkans plans on creating opportunities for learning mobility in the training centres of…

  • INTERVET WB Mobilities – from Serbia to Maribor

    Our Intervet Western Balkans project continues to advance and during its second year several mobilities were organized, in line with its schedule. The project partner ZNI – Zavod za Novodobno Izobraževanje has told us what it has been like to host a group from Serbia, in the framework of this project. «The project Intervet Western…

  • INTERVET WB job shadowing at SEPR: learning and exchanging experiences

    From 15 to 19 November 2021, within the Intervet Western Balkans project, a Job Shadowing was organized by colleagues from SEPR Vocational and Training Center in the beautiful French city of Lyon. During the whole week, they visited SEPR premises, were introduced to all the main departments of our VET centre, and visited some partner companies like OMNIUM –…

  • An unforgettable experience – Our first INTERVET WB student mobility in Bologna

    On June 25, the ten selected students from VET schools in Albania traveled to Italy for one month mobility hosted by us, in the framework of the INTERVET WB project. This project is the first of its kind in Westerns Balkans countries therefore it has a special importance for the VET system in Albania and other countries of the…

  • INTERVET WB Summer School for teaching staff of VET schools – Seville 2021

    The Intervet Western Balkans  Summer School in Seville, organized by INCOMA, a partner of the project, was completed last week. During the school, participants from EU member states and the Western Balkans had the opportunity to talk about the internationalization of VET schools, hear the experiences of students doing their internship in Seville, meet colleagues from…