Tag: european volunteer
Berlin du bist so wunderbar!
Morena is doing EVS and shares her experience in Germany. “Berlino è così, o la ami o la odi, non ci sono vie di mezzo. E’ un’emozione unica. All’inizio non ti piace, o almeno a me la prima volta che ero andata a visitarla quando ero in Erasmus ad Amburgo 5 anni fa, non era…
A world opens up through people!
Eleni is 22 years old and is doing EVS in Spain. She has studied teaching for people with disabilities. For her it was interesting to go and see how people with disabilities are treated in other countries of Europe. Even if Spain is not so radically different from Italy, some surprises may occur. “One of my surprises…
Big small Europe.
As we travel we can discover how big and small Europe is at the same time. Countries that seem to be so far away suddenly appear to be just few hours away. But as well this few hours can bring you in totally different cultural environment. Emilijan is a volunteer in Germany and working…
Imparare da tutto quello che avete vissuto!
Alessandra is a volunteer in Spain and she works with children. As we grow up, we are being taught very strictly about right and wrong. But the truth, what is being firmly kept form us, is that there are many different ways of life. First of all I would like to make it clear…
Inas- volunteer who learned how to push the limits with love
Do you know the book “Eat, pray, love”? The one with the woman who gives away everything to travel and to find herself. I think every travel that we do outside, we do inside. Voluntary year can be different for every individual: a year of break, a year of freedom, a year of independency, a…
L’AperiTandem va al Cosmonauta
Ciao cari amici, salut chers amis, hallo ihr Lieben, Kochani! & ¡Hola! Martedì 7 ottobre ricomincia l’AperiTandem, l’evento che vi permette di incontrare persone di diverse nazionalità e praticare le lingue! Già lo sapete che all’AperiTandem si parlano tante lingue e si fanno nuove amicizie…. ma una cosa è nuova: l’AperiTandem si trasferisce! D’ora in…
SVE progetto a Lisbona
Mi chiamo Chiara e sto svolgendo lo SVE in Portogallo. Vivo a Lisbona, una città meravigliosa con altre sette ragazze anche loro volontarie europee.Le giornate passano velocemente!Sto svolgendo il servizio volontario per il CED Santa Clara in un Centro di accoglimento per minori vicino Sintra (RA Joao Inàcio Ferreira Lapa). il centro ospita 12 ragazzi,…
Welcome to UNISER, Rachida!
As a 23 year old girl from France, I’ve never learnt Italian, or taken the time to visit before although I live near the French Italian border. But thanks to Calliope (the organization which gave me the opportunity to come here), and thanks to UNISER I get the chance to discover this beautiful country and…