Tag: internship

  • MG Sara: mettersi in gioco e non fermarsi mai!!!

    Ciao a tutti, Mi chiamo Sara, ho 25 anni e vi scrivo da Neuchâtel, nella Svizzera francese. Ho iniziato la mia carriera universitaria a Pisa, dove mi sono laureata in Storia, ho fatto l’Erasmus in Spagna (a Salamanca) e ho svolto un tirocinio alla Camera di Commercio Italiana di Lione, in Francia. Infine mi sono…

  • Erasmus + brought Scotland to Forlì! what a great experience!

    Forlì, May 3rd 2015, 10 young and gorgeous ladies from Glasgow, Scotland, arrived in town with a twofold mission: learn the Italian secrets for beauty and help to make as many women as possible prettier than before. They came from the New College Lanarkshire to work as hair dressers and beauticians for two unforgettable weeks…

  • Tirocinio al “Laboratorio Juta” per aiutare ragazzi disabili: ecco l’esperienza di Marcin!

    Marcin Makles è un ragazzo polacco che, grazie alla fruttuosa collaborazione tra Uniser ed En.AIP Forlì-Cesena sta svolgendo un tirocinio di quattro settimane al “Laboratorio Juta”nell’ambito del programma Erasmus +. Lo scopo del”Laboratorio Juta”è quello di aiutare e di riabilitare ragazzi con deficit psichici, sensoriali e fisici tramite attività lavorative ed interventi specifici. Ed ecco la…

  • Benvenuta Lorena: dalla Spagna ad un mondo di Swarovski e creatività

    Coroncine ed abiti preziosi, scarpe ed accessori unici, oggetti per la casa creativi e luminosi, un atelier artigianale inaspettato a Forlì, questo “Chicca Fashion Design” che ha aperto le porte a Lorena, tirocinante proveniente dalla Spagna. Lorena ha studiato fashion design ed è appassionata di moda, anche se al momento lavora in un call center…

  • I sette mesi a Uniser di Ebe: Grazie!!!

    Hi everyone. I am Ebe and I was working as a volunteer in Uniser for 7 months. I am coming from Estonia, which is really cute small country just under the Finland and people there are talking one of the rarest languages in Europe. I am 24 years old and I have finished studies as…

  • Seven Swedes at Forlì

    We are a group of 7 students from Sweden that are here in Italy on internship. When we arrived in Italy we were tired from the flights and all of us were a bit nervous about our new jobs. None of us knew any italian so getting around was hard too, especially in Bologna. We…

  • Demi inizia la sua avventura a Forli

    Hey everyone! I’m Demi from TheNetherlands and I arrived on Saturday, the 2nd of Februar in Forli. I’m here for my internship at the Hotel Executive Forli. I can’t speak Italian at all, so it’s difficult sometimes in a small city like this, but i’m learning it! “Why Forli?!”- that’s the question people always ask.…

  • Swedish interns arrived!

    On Sunday morning the train left from our hometown Karlstad to the capital city of Sweden, Stockholm, and you could see that everybody was both nervous and excited. After a 30 minutes delay on the train a small thread of concern started spreading amongst us even though we knew we had over 3 hour at…